And here we go again.. another week down and another Friend Friday, brainchild of Katy and ModlyChic.. come join us, its a great way to get to know your fellow (ess) bloggers!!
And again, I incorporate my Daily Outfit (30 for 30) in this post -- voila Remix 24!!
Blogger Awards
This week I make mention of those under each of the following category (and there are many many more that I would mention if I wasn't only picking one!!)
1. Creative Juices - most creative
Emma at dailyclothesfix
2. The Real Deal - authenticity
Colette at Statements in Fashion, hands down. I have a crush on that babe alright!!
3. Spark Notes - most helpful
Jentine at My edit
4. Newbie - best blogger less than a year old
Fabienne at thehouseintheclouds
5. Can You Hear Me Now - most connected
Marilou at 20 York Street
6. If I had a Hammer - best DIY
Natasha at Required2beinspired
7. Tribe Leader - blogger who leads others and brings bloggers together
Katy of ModlyChic
8. Practically Perfect - most fashionable
Amber at Amber Blue Bird
9. Paint by Numbers - best beauty blogger
Angela at EveryoneLovesLipstick
10. Renaissance Woman - best all around blogger, fashion, beauty,
Sal at Already Pretty
11. And adding my own category here: best photographer
Lyddie at Chic on Cheap
Friday, February 25, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Remix 23: Black leggings
BRRRR. Went to get in the car for my 6am swim this morning and WHOA... someone ordered SNOW!
I actually LOVE the snow and would rather have snow than cold so I didn't mind. Swam 4km this morning, then had a dentist appointment, a few hours working at an internet cafe until I then went to my hair appointment (cut and highlights). It's not any different than what I had before, but today I feel NEW. Clean teeth, refreshed hair cut and voila, Jodi is a NEW person! I got home quick and took my photos but as I speak it is getting COLD out! I plan on spending the rest of the day in my comfy lounging clothes and maybe even make a big batch of popcorn (with no butter of course). Today is Day 4 of no sugar so am also doing well on that front and its actually easy once getting into it.
Remix items: Black leggings, brown tunic, black boots (but these are substitutes today since these are my winter and snow boots! :P
I am going to visit you all tonight yeah.. can't wait!!! xoxo J
Hi to new followers.. I LOVE new followers and commenters so thanks tons for your visits!!! MWAH xox Jodi
I actually LOVE the snow and would rather have snow than cold so I didn't mind. Swam 4km this morning, then had a dentist appointment, a few hours working at an internet cafe until I then went to my hair appointment (cut and highlights). It's not any different than what I had before, but today I feel NEW. Clean teeth, refreshed hair cut and voila, Jodi is a NEW person! I got home quick and took my photos but as I speak it is getting COLD out! I plan on spending the rest of the day in my comfy lounging clothes and maybe even make a big batch of popcorn (with no butter of course). Today is Day 4 of no sugar so am also doing well on that front and its actually easy once getting into it.
Remix items: Black leggings, brown tunic, black boots (but these are substitutes today since these are my winter and snow boots! :P
I am going to visit you all tonight yeah.. can't wait!!! xoxo J
Hi to new followers.. I LOVE new followers and commenters so thanks tons for your visits!!! MWAH xox Jodi
30 for 30
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Remix 22: Blue Tunic
Okay, I admit it.. this outfit is from Sunday... and I didn't take outfit photos yesterday... but technically this is Remix 22. I have worn 30/30 mix items for 22 days straight.. my photos and posts are just a bit mixed up!! Just got back from my morning swim and heading to work for a long day of number crunching... yes end of the fiscal year coming.. is crazy time!!
But the most essential thing at this time of the year to keep stress levels down, is a fabulous wardrobe. So don't forget ladies and gentlemen, nice clothes ARE the answer to any little problem you may have (contrary to what all these spiritual people say :). I, Jodi, am kidding of course, but also not really. I don't know about you but I DO feel better when I am wearing something flattering, comfortable and sassy!!!
Remix Items: Blue tunic, skinny jeans, black boots
Have a super day.. I say sun is in your future!!! xoxo Jodi
But the most essential thing at this time of the year to keep stress levels down, is a fabulous wardrobe. So don't forget ladies and gentlemen, nice clothes ARE the answer to any little problem you may have (contrary to what all these spiritual people say :). I, Jodi, am kidding of course, but also not really. I don't know about you but I DO feel better when I am wearing something flattering, comfortable and sassy!!!
Remix Items: Blue tunic, skinny jeans, black boots
Have a super day.. I say sun is in your future!!! xoxo Jodi
30 for 30
Monday, February 21, 2011
Lovely Ladies: Remy
This outfit gives me confidence. I have always wished to be taller, so I make it happen by wearing 5inch heels. I am 5'6" when I'm standing up straight, and my husband is 6'3", and of course I am smaller than him, but the heels make me feel more powerful. I like to stand out and wearing this outfit helps me do that. I am still an 80s girl at heart. I love to wear tight jeans and heels. Black is THE colour for me. I wear black because it makes me look a little bit edgy. I feel the edge and I love to express the edge, and this is one way for me to be able to do that.
I wear heels everywhere. Not all of them are spiked heels like these boots, but I wear heels, with jeans, with trousers, with skirts. You name it, I will wear heels with them. They make me feel more powerful, more confident, and I just love how I look in them. Heels make me stand up taller, and I feel sexy in them. In fact, my husband bought me these boots.
The jeans of course, have that retro feel to them. If I could, I'd go back to all the things I missed in the 80s, including the fashion. I was distracted by other things when I was growing up and I missed out on all the fun colours and wild hair and fashion trends of the 80s. I have friends who make fun of me for being stuck in the 80s but I'm quite happy there. I loved the hot pinks and the neon colours from back then. Everything but the make up. The make up was scary, but everything else was fun and harmless. Dressing like this makes me feel younger.
The attitude is all part of the appearance. I am too cute to wear pinks and pastels. The black gives me an edge. The message on the tshirt, softens me up. It changes everything about the outfit. It's important. That message needs to go into my head as well as others. Live with Love. So much happier that way. I think that should be the 11th commandment.
Oh and let's not forget the long black leather coat. I love it. It's a kick a** coat and makes me feel like something out of the Matrix when I wear it.
*Photoshoot compliments of Jodi at day2daywear :)
I wear heels everywhere. Not all of them are spiked heels like these boots, but I wear heels, with jeans, with trousers, with skirts. You name it, I will wear heels with them. They make me feel more powerful, more confident, and I just love how I look in them. Heels make me stand up taller, and I feel sexy in them. In fact, my husband bought me these boots.
The jeans of course, have that retro feel to them. If I could, I'd go back to all the things I missed in the 80s, including the fashion. I was distracted by other things when I was growing up and I missed out on all the fun colours and wild hair and fashion trends of the 80s. I have friends who make fun of me for being stuck in the 80s but I'm quite happy there. I loved the hot pinks and the neon colours from back then. Everything but the make up. The make up was scary, but everything else was fun and harmless. Dressing like this makes me feel younger.
The attitude is all part of the appearance. I am too cute to wear pinks and pastels. The black gives me an edge. The message on the tshirt, softens me up. It changes everything about the outfit. It's important. That message needs to go into my head as well as others. Live with Love. So much happier that way. I think that should be the 11th commandment.
Oh and let's not forget the long black leather coat. I love it. It's a kick a** coat and makes me feel like something out of the Matrix when I wear it.
*Photoshoot compliments of Jodi at day2daywear :)
Lovely Ladies
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Remix 20: Angora Sweater, the TRINA
Do you know that today is 51 days into 2011?? How do I know that? Well, I am doing a photography project where you take a photo a day for the whole year and today is day 51. So I ask you, now knowing you have lived 51 days of 2011, are you satisfied with how your NEW year is going? If not, what can you do to navigate it to go the way you want? What are you creating for yourself this year? You still have 314 days left!!
For me, I am back into the swing of my heavy training for the upcoming triathlon season. While I am eating really clean, healthy foods (little to no refined, processed foods), I still eat chocolate and licorice allsorts and other various sweet candies. Every morning I get up I tell myself I am not eating refined sugar anymore, then I eat it, then I feel bad and I wake up the next morning and do the same thing all over again. It's nuts!! So Today is different. Today I have 315 days (including today) left to recommit to what I say I want and stick with it. Thats pretty cool! Rather than looking at it like I am NOT eat refined sugar, I am choosing to eat only healthy natural sugars (ie fruit). That is a much more empowering way to look at it.
Remix items: skinny jeans, angora sweater, black boots
** I bought this angora sweater when my good friend Trina was in town (she is so smart she has like, 3 brains!!) and I just LOVE her so I called it the TRINA sweater :)
Is there anything YOU want to recommit to today given you still have 315 days left of 2011...
MWAH and happy Sunday!! xoxo J
For me, I am back into the swing of my heavy training for the upcoming triathlon season. While I am eating really clean, healthy foods (little to no refined, processed foods), I still eat chocolate and licorice allsorts and other various sweet candies. Every morning I get up I tell myself I am not eating refined sugar anymore, then I eat it, then I feel bad and I wake up the next morning and do the same thing all over again. It's nuts!! So Today is different. Today I have 315 days (including today) left to recommit to what I say I want and stick with it. Thats pretty cool! Rather than looking at it like I am NOT eat refined sugar, I am choosing to eat only healthy natural sugars (ie fruit). That is a much more empowering way to look at it.
Remix items: skinny jeans, angora sweater, black boots
** I bought this angora sweater when my good friend Trina was in town (she is so smart she has like, 3 brains!!) and I just LOVE her so I called it the TRINA sweater :)
Is there anything YOU want to recommit to today given you still have 315 days left of 2011...
MWAH and happy Sunday!! xoxo J
30 for 30
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Remix 18: Brown Skirt
I made it to Friday ladies!! Please give Jodi a big round of applause!! LOL yes well, at the workshop I was at on Wednesday, we were led through a exercise by a couple of First Nations fellows. They got us to cluster into groups based on when we were born. I was in the November/December/January group. We represent the North. We are also the White Wolf, one who brings integration, wisdom spirit and peace. We are also leaders. AND water is very very important to us. They said that for us, water is very calming and we are drawn to water. Well, that makes perfect sense for me, as I always like to walk on the beach in times of deep reflection. I never really thought about it, but I have always lived close to the water- whether it be a lake or the ocean. It's always just been an innate pre-requisite to anywhere I choose to live.
So here I am with Mr. Junior swan. Apparently he is a couple of years old and once he is mature he will become all white. For me, he represented the beginning of a peaceful, relaxing weekend!! So thanks handsome boy, I much appreciate your visit!!!
Remix items: brown skirt, purple top, brown boots
No, the grey sweater is not an item, I technically wore it as a (jacket :) yes I am sneaky :)
Happy Weekend lovelies.. I am off for my long bike ride (please keep your fingers crossed for me that my toes and fingers dont go frozen again this weekend!!) xoxo Jodi
So here I am with Mr. Junior swan. Apparently he is a couple of years old and once he is mature he will become all white. For me, he represented the beginning of a peaceful, relaxing weekend!! So thanks handsome boy, I much appreciate your visit!!!
Remix items: brown skirt, purple top, brown boots
No, the grey sweater is not an item, I technically wore it as a (jacket :) yes I am sneaky :)
Happy Weekend lovelies.. I am off for my long bike ride (please keep your fingers crossed for me that my toes and fingers dont go frozen again this weekend!!) xoxo Jodi
30 for 30
Friday, February 18, 2011
Friend Friday: Body Image
And welcome to Friend Friday, brainchild of Katy and ModlyChic.. come join us, its a great way to get to know your fellow (ess) bloggers!!
You will also notice I am including my Daily Outfit (30 for 30) in this post (2 birds, 1 stone, right :)
Body Image
1. Since you started blogging has your image of yourself changed?
YES, YES, YEEEEESSSSS! I actually see myself more objectively now and am liking what I see more and more, meaning, owning my body for what it is, and what it isn't and just being appreciative of how strong and fit I am and how I can pull off certain clothes and styles. AND I love my clothes more now because I have more sense of what suits me or not so I feel better all around!
2. Are you self-conscious about any aspect of yourself? If so, do you go out of your way to avoid it or do you post it/talk about it anyway?
I have broad hips. My grammy always told me I was lucky, that I had child-bearing hips. Well thats all fine and good if you are popping out a bunch of kids, but so far thats not in the books for me. SO instead I have found what kind of skirt lines help to narrow my hips, what kinds of pants to wear or avoid, what length of tops to wear, etc. AND HOW TO POSE. so its actually fun. We all have some body part that we think is abit wonky. Whatever. We are all human, and thats the fun of clothes, you get to play and disguise these areas and accentuate the other ones!!! I say, "Bring it On!"
3. Based on how you are feeling now, what do you think the future holds in the evolution of your body image?
No where but UP. And especially with this just being the beginning of my triathlon training season, in about 3 months from now I will be solid muscle.. thats how it goes with this kind of training and I have to keep reminding myself of this. And at the end of the day, its the INSIDE of you that really influences how you look and feel, meaning we need to start loving ourselves from the inside out first!!
4. Do you photograph yourself for your blog? If so, how do you feel about the experience when you're having your picture taken?
YES, I take all my own photos and to be honest I am having just as much fun with that aspect of blogging as I am coming up with outfit ideas.. I am learning alot about photography and how to pose. Now when someone else pulls out a camera I know what side of me is more photogenic, which way to stand, how to smile.. and am pretty sure I am wearing something fabulous!! Boy, I almost sound like a supermodel.. hah hah NOT!
5. What would you want every person who struggles with body image to take to heart?
Be grateful for the body you have and keep it real. Those babes in the magazines are not human so there's no comparison there. At the end of the day its all about who you are in life, how you are, who you love, who loves you, the difference you make. Have fun and cut yourself some slack. Life's WAY too short.
Love ya!! xoxo
You will also notice I am including my Daily Outfit (30 for 30) in this post (2 birds, 1 stone, right :)
Body Image
1. Since you started blogging has your image of yourself changed?
YES, YES, YEEEEESSSSS! I actually see myself more objectively now and am liking what I see more and more, meaning, owning my body for what it is, and what it isn't and just being appreciative of how strong and fit I am and how I can pull off certain clothes and styles. AND I love my clothes more now because I have more sense of what suits me or not so I feel better all around!
2. Are you self-conscious about any aspect of yourself? If so, do you go out of your way to avoid it or do you post it/talk about it anyway?
I have broad hips. My grammy always told me I was lucky, that I had child-bearing hips. Well thats all fine and good if you are popping out a bunch of kids, but so far thats not in the books for me. SO instead I have found what kind of skirt lines help to narrow my hips, what kinds of pants to wear or avoid, what length of tops to wear, etc. AND HOW TO POSE. so its actually fun. We all have some body part that we think is abit wonky. Whatever. We are all human, and thats the fun of clothes, you get to play and disguise these areas and accentuate the other ones!!! I say, "Bring it On!"
3. Based on how you are feeling now, what do you think the future holds in the evolution of your body image?
No where but UP. And especially with this just being the beginning of my triathlon training season, in about 3 months from now I will be solid muscle.. thats how it goes with this kind of training and I have to keep reminding myself of this. And at the end of the day, its the INSIDE of you that really influences how you look and feel, meaning we need to start loving ourselves from the inside out first!!
4. Do you photograph yourself for your blog? If so, how do you feel about the experience when you're having your picture taken?
YES, I take all my own photos and to be honest I am having just as much fun with that aspect of blogging as I am coming up with outfit ideas.. I am learning alot about photography and how to pose. Now when someone else pulls out a camera I know what side of me is more photogenic, which way to stand, how to smile.. and am pretty sure I am wearing something fabulous!! Boy, I almost sound like a supermodel.. hah hah NOT!
5. What would you want every person who struggles with body image to take to heart?
Be grateful for the body you have and keep it real. Those babes in the magazines are not human so there's no comparison there. At the end of the day its all about who you are in life, how you are, who you love, who loves you, the difference you make. Have fun and cut yourself some slack. Life's WAY too short.
Love ya!! xoxo
30 for 30,
Fashion Beauty Friend Friday
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Remix 16: Green Skirt
Ello... (Thats how I imagine Emma would say Hello, with her nice UK accent)... Anyway, am thinking of you all, all my favorite and stylish friends out there. I feel abit lost without my regular visits to each of you. Work, as you know, has been really busy.. its that crazy time of the year anyway with crazy money around (people need to spend budgets before end of March). I have also been in workshops and planning sessions for days at a time so when am I supposed to take my outfit photos? Boy this is messing up my schedule, not to mention my blog!!!
Yes and you can probably tell, I haven't exactly been as chirpy (happy) as usual, lately. As you can see in the ATTITUDE photo! But did try a zoolander pose for you in the last photo!! and blogger went wonky and wouldnt center the photo???? WTF?
I need to post all the outfits I have worn but not shown yet. Trust me, I am sticking to the 30 for 30 ladies, really I am!!!
Remix Items: green vintage skirt, black turtle neck, grey boots.
And I did get 3 compliments on my outfit yesterday so thats always nice!!! 2 more sleeps and its the weekend... I plan on relaxing (well, after all my killer workouts, that is!!) LOL
love ya and am thinking about you all!! have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day!! xoxox J
30 for 30
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Guest Post: Miranda on how where you live influences your style
I am part of Ashleys Guest Post Group and this month am partnered with Miranda of In D.C. Fashion to swap posts, how exciting!!! (pssst, you can go over and read my interview at Mirandas)
Introducing Miranda!!!
Hello to all of Jodi's readers! I'm delighted to be participating in my first guest post. We are experimenting with Ashley’s Guest Group from Two Eyes in the Mirror .
We decided to talk about our personal styles. I find that the older I get the more my style develops, which I would have never imagined when I was 20. Back then I really dreaded getting "old". I've learned to
embrace getting older because as I mature so does my style.
We decided to talk about our personal styles. I find that the older I get the more my style develops, which I would have never imagined when I was 20. Back then I really dreaded getting "old". I've learned to
embrace getting older because as I mature so does my style.
I moved to our Nations Capital around four years ago. When I first moved here I was completely in over my head when it came to style. Have you ever heard of Vineyard Vines? Yeah, neither had I. When I
moved here I thought city style meant all black; a black pencil skirt, black pointy toe boots, a big black bag and big dark sunglasses were my idea of style. I think I had D.C. confused with N.Y. I took the whole Chanel, city girl thing a little too far.
moved here I thought city style meant all black; a black pencil skirt, black pointy toe boots, a big black bag and big dark sunglasses were my idea of style. I think I had D.C. confused with N.Y. I took the whole Chanel, city girl thing a little too far.
Recently, as you will see if you visit my blog, I have dedicated 2011 to developing my style. It's a work in process and I'm having a fun time doing it.
Right now I'm being inspired by the blog world, my inner self (whatever that means) and the city around me.
D.C. is an interesting place and much like me it's in the process of developing its own style and personality. Recently with the attention being paid to Michelle Obama's style and various reality TV shows being filmed here, D.C. has began to mature as a fashion city, which is so cool to be a part of.
D.C. style is hipster in some neighborhoods, but mostly is conservative, business and preppy. I'm striving to all of these looks and throw in a vintage lady-like flare.
Stop by my blog In D.C. Fashion and say "hi" and please leave a link to your blog, I
love finding new reads!
love finding new reads!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Whoa! Crazy or what? Don't I look like I am suspended in outer space or something?? Well thats how I feel lately!! I have had nothing but back to back meetings and travel with work and then straight to my workouts so no chance for outfit photos if you can believe it!!! I was trying my best to get out at lunch today but meant I wouldn't make it back in time for a meeting I have. So you get a bit of a cutout just to show you I am still around and I am still wearing clothes.. hah hah.
Seriously, its been super busy! I miss you all and wonder what you are all wearing and how you are doing for the 30/30.. I am still rockin the 30 for 30 outfits so be sure to count on that... That my saviour actually since it makes getting dressed really easy. Today I am wearing my grey pencil skirt, teal sweater with a really cute white ruffly top underneath and my knee high grey boots. And yesterday at a meeting one of the ladies there (who was from the big city of Toronto) was wearing a leather skirt, grey boots and grey sweater. I was totally inspired and now have another outfit idea thanks to her. I guess you havent seen my leather mini skirt yet have you?
Have a super day and hi to new followers!! Excuse the weird photo today, but I guess I am a bit weird anyway.. LOL xoxo J
Seriously, its been super busy! I miss you all and wonder what you are all wearing and how you are doing for the 30/30.. I am still rockin the 30 for 30 outfits so be sure to count on that... That my saviour actually since it makes getting dressed really easy. Today I am wearing my grey pencil skirt, teal sweater with a really cute white ruffly top underneath and my knee high grey boots. And yesterday at a meeting one of the ladies there (who was from the big city of Toronto) was wearing a leather skirt, grey boots and grey sweater. I was totally inspired and now have another outfit idea thanks to her. I guess you havent seen my leather mini skirt yet have you?
Have a super day and hi to new followers!! Excuse the weird photo today, but I guess I am a bit weird anyway.. LOL xoxo J
Daily Outfit
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Remix 12: Teal Tights
And its a TEAL kindof day. This is the great thing. I got these Amazing Tights through Katy at ModlyChic... we had the opportunity to try out some tights from We Love Colors and they are so nice.. so soft and comfy and you can tell they are good quality when you put them on. And I dont know if I would otherwise have worn a pair like this.. but because they have such a huge and funky selection I thought I would be daring and get some more color in my wardrobe. Hope you like the tracks. I am out looking for Joanne from Sidewalk Chic (hah hah she is often seen hangin by the tracks). Today was a great and sunny day for a 1.5 hour run as part of our training... fiance made a big pot of chili for the chili cookoff they are having at work and I, well, I had to work. Oh well, at least I got out to take some photos!!
Remix items: black tunic, black boots.
Please excuse my monster legs... the color seems to accentuate the muscles??? OIY!
Later gaters. xoxo J
Remix items: black tunic, black boots.
Please excuse my monster legs... the color seems to accentuate the muscles??? OIY!
Later gaters. xoxo J
30 for 30
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Remix 11: Blue top
Okay, I have a confession. This outfit is from Friday. Day 11. I didn't post it because of my Friend Frida post. On Friday, I had the afternoon off so I went to the beach to relax and do some reflecting. Very peaceful it was. Then went home and fiance and I went out for dinner and I had several glasses of micro-brew beer. Guess what? It took the work edge off!! hah hah!
Then today we had a 4 hour bike ride in the rain. My fingers and toes were completely frozen by the time I got home. I couldn't even wiggle my toes. To be honest, I was glad I still had all 10 digits and none broke off from being frozen. So I soaked in the tub for a good hour and have stayed indoors in my comfy clothes for the rest of the day. No outfit photo today (you get yesterdays instead!!).
Stay tuned for more adventures!!! xoxo J
30 for 30
Friday, February 11, 2011
Friend Friday: Color Wars
Hey Hey!! You have to come and join us for Friend Friday!! It's really fun and good way to meet and learn about other bloggers!! Go visit Katy at ModlyChic for details!!!
Color Wars
1. What color dominates your closet?
It WAS black, but since I made a commitment to adding color now I have a pretty even mix of reds, blues, turquoise and patterns. Lots of animal prints too!! RAWR!
2. If money weren't an issue how would you change the color emphasis in your closet?
I would have alot more shades of pink, turquoise, teal and maybe even some neutrals. I have so much black from my pre-blogging days I am trying to wean off it. I have a policy that I am no longer allowed to buy black- only color.
I would also have a personal wardrobe person who bought me fabulous clothes and colors and made me look amazing EVERYDAY! NOW wouldn't that be cool? Oh yeah, I would ask for more patterns that suit me!
3. What is your mantra about mixing colors?
I don't preach anything about this.. man, I am on a steep learning curve myself. I learn alot from looking at nature and seeing what colors naturally go together and of course, from all the great blogs out there. I am more into matchy matchy than completely wild.. I am not quite there yet with wild color combo's!!
4. For you, how do you incorporate color into your outfits?
Mostly with scarves and jewelry. I start with basics and then add as I go. I also like to add a bright sweater or tights. I LOVE tights!!
5. Which blogger(s) do you think do a good job of incorporating color into their wardrobe?
There are many but the first blogger I came across that totally inspired me was Kasmira from What I Wore Today, she is so creative its NOT FAIR! :)
Color Wars
1. What color dominates your closet?
It WAS black, but since I made a commitment to adding color now I have a pretty even mix of reds, blues, turquoise and patterns. Lots of animal prints too!! RAWR!
2. If money weren't an issue how would you change the color emphasis in your closet?
I would have alot more shades of pink, turquoise, teal and maybe even some neutrals. I have so much black from my pre-blogging days I am trying to wean off it. I have a policy that I am no longer allowed to buy black- only color.
I would also have a personal wardrobe person who bought me fabulous clothes and colors and made me look amazing EVERYDAY! NOW wouldn't that be cool? Oh yeah, I would ask for more patterns that suit me!
3. What is your mantra about mixing colors?
I don't preach anything about this.. man, I am on a steep learning curve myself. I learn alot from looking at nature and seeing what colors naturally go together and of course, from all the great blogs out there. I am more into matchy matchy than completely wild.. I am not quite there yet with wild color combo's!!
4. For you, how do you incorporate color into your outfits?
Mostly with scarves and jewelry. I start with basics and then add as I go. I also like to add a bright sweater or tights. I LOVE tights!!
5. Which blogger(s) do you think do a good job of incorporating color into their wardrobe?
There are many but the first blogger I came across that totally inspired me was Kasmira from What I Wore Today, she is so creative its NOT FAIR! :)
Fashion Beauty Friend Friday
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