Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Remix 2 Purple Skirt

WA?? You might be asking "Where is Remix 1?"  Okay Okay, I apologize.. its been busy around here.. or should I say I have been busy!! sorry for no post for a few days... Day  2 of Kendi's 30 for 30 Remix and this time I am a rebel-- meaning, I just threw this on this morning and I haven't picked out my 30 items yet!! Talk about unprepared this time around!!  I didn't get a chance to post yesterday or even take my photos so excuse me please!!

LOOK at that cool bracelet!! That is from Cinderita, from her trip to Spain. And see the heart on it? She gave it to me specifically because of the heart (well, and because its turqoise) so I think I her when I wear it.. very cool and I love it!!  Off on my bike ride, will catch up with you all later tonight!!! gottta goooo!!! xoxo Jodi


  1. whoa. look at you. blogging on the run. haha

    love how you featured the bracelet. looks awesome in that photo and i love the purple combination

  2. Do you ever pick your 30 items ahead of time...this is starting to seem like a repeat of last challenge!! haha

    Natasha ~ Required2BeInspired

  3. The kitty matches your outfit! Of course she's a nice basic that will go with almost anything.

    Love the bracelet.

    I was going to try 30/30 this time, but haven't had the mental energy. Will live vicariously through your outfits. :)

  4. You do the 30 x 30 too??? Yayayayay!!!! Ah, no matter if you haven't picked them out yet...I guess it's totally fine! Can't wait. Oh, and how PUUUUURRRFECT is the picture with your cat? :))))

  5. Admiring the specially trained caterpillar and your naked feet.

  6. I do love your turquoise jewelry, and I'm sure you'll catch up with the remix soon enough!

    Chic on the Cheap
