Sunday, October 22, 2017

1 Year MIA

Hello there....I am so surprised to realize its been a year since I last posted! This does not mean I haven't been thinking of you lovelies!  Wow, where has the time gone???

This past year has been a good learning year. Not that it was easy but it was incredibly rewarding.  Long story short we completely restructured our organization at work and that entailed alot of work on top of all the trail races I was training for and the 3-week trip we took to England to visit family.

With all that was going on, the last thing I wanted to do was spend more time on the computer posting photos (especially of outfits) after leaving the office.  As you may have remembered from my last posts, I was toying around with more of a uniform approach to work.  This was primarily so I would have less to think about first thing in the morning and reduce stress.  That doesn't mean one still can't have creative outfits. It just means I stuck to many of the same basics.

In the meantime I did receive a couple of great cards in the mail from Shybiker who is still going strong on here AND I went shopping with Sheila and got some fantastic outfits (yet again).

Anyway, my time out of the office has been spent in our new campervan (new to us) and running westcoast trails. I LOVE adventuring and as much as its cliche I am loving the new hashtag #vanlife.

Will be by again soon to say hi and maybe even post some updates.

1 comment:

  1. Jodi! How great to hear from you!

    Blogs need to serve us and if posting about outfits doesn't work for you now, how about posting about your training and outdoor adventures? Those are exciting subjects. I'd like to hear more about them -- and keep the window open into your life.
