Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Pay Phone

I was phoning you but you weren't there!! HEY. Answer the PHONE!!! Well duh, its ME calling!
Pay phones are almost vintage now, its crazy!  I was driving home from this Summer School Session I am in all week.. looking for a shady spot to take my photo. Can you believe it was hard to find a shady spot?  Well. I certainly had better not complain since all I was doing before was complaining about wearing boots to work in JUNE.  I'm in courses all this week and I feel like a student. Nice feeling actually, and also nice to be out of the office (even though I was sneaking looks at my email while I was in my course!!) Bad Jodi Bad Girl.

I swam this morning and then ride tonight. I love Tuesdays. Tuesdays are ride nights.  I also have an acupuncture treatment tomorrow- which I love. I love acupuncture too. I love alot of things. Actually my new love is StumbleUpon. Some fabulous things on there, you should check it out.

Okay. thats all for now-- gonna love ya and leave ya. kisses J


  1. I haven't seen a phone booth in so long. Hav e fun being a student for a week.

  2. Love these pictures!
    I've heard about stumble upon, but don't really know what it's all about...one day when I get time I should check it out!

    Natasha ~ Required2BeInspired

  3. This is so funny. I saw a phone booth with my nephews this weekend (sans phone) and had a heck of a time explaining what a pay phone was and why people didn't just use cell phones!

  4. I have been looking for some skirts like this...I need a khaki and a tan...they are not around in my size...I am envious of yours! I actually think it is sad that pay phones are relics!

  5. Love the wrap top. Have a wonderful ride.

    And a belated happy 1st Blogging Anniversary!

  6. Do pay phones even still work? I love watching old tv shows/movies when payphones were an important part roll in the plot - like the Seinfeld episode in the Chinese restaurant.

    You look lovely in that blue, hope you enjoy the sun!

    Chic on the Cheap

  7. we saw pay phones in a resturaunt in LA this weekend. the phones were in them but they didn't work

  8. Those shiny blue shoes are awesome.

  9. Since we don't use cell phones, we've frequently gone looking for pay phones and you're right--they are hard to find these days.

  10. Ha ha I have not seen a pay phone in a long, long time.

  11. Seriously - your pictures are SO good. There is that top I am in love with again....gorge!

  12. Hey -- I don't want to be a tattletale but... did you know Doreen stole one of your poses?! In her latest post, she tried to position her body like you do. She 'fessed up to it in her reply to my comment. I guess this confirms you're an influential blogger!

  13. love the pictures!! blue looks nice on ya, i love telephone booths!!

    xo Nav

  14. Thanks for the StumbleUpon tip, looks pretty cool from the intro video!

  15. Happy Belated Blog Anniversary. I hope you had a wonderful time celebrating! I love that you found the perfect spot for this outfit. Wearing a classic skirt and pumps, while talk on the pay phone. All you need is a scarf! :) Love it!!
