Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Black Dress and Animal

I had about 10 minutes to get home, take my photo, get changed, grab a snack  and then head off to my run session.  Crazy busy at work right now but I'm still managing to get my outfits in order and take photos.  Its been great connecting with you all more lately as well!!

I don't wear this dress much cuz it  seems bait short for work but I broke it out today and added some animal print for fun. I love this scarf.  I actually really love black and brown together and would never have paired the 2 colors had I not been blogging. I get so many ideas from reading all of your blogs which is fantastic. So. Thank you to those of you who wear black and brown together. I got the idea from you!!


  1. This black dress suits you so very well! And the scarf plus necklace go really well with it! And I dont think the dress is too short :)
    About the rice spray cream, I was soooo sceptical too and I thought it looks so suspect but when I looked through the ingredients I was really surprised that its not that bad at all :)
    Have a great day!

  2. Gorgeous. You're so damn cute. I agree about the good influence other bloggers have on us. We see new possibilities in fashion.

  3. I agree that the scarf makes this.

