Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Lurking at the Anglers Club

Testing the remote control-- remember I told you it only has 2 sec delay...

Hello in there??

Proof that my hairdresser should not go on extended vacations!! #pleasehelpme

Oh my! Someone has spotted me lurking at the Anglers Club!!

Quick photos today- still working out the kinks with this new remote control and trying some more fun shots instead of the same old stand and pose.

I still don't like this stoooopid skirt. I can barely walk in it its so narrow and each time I wear it I think to myself " I need to get rid of this stupid skirt" but then this thought gets sucked out of my brain and I pull it out and try wearing it AGAIN.  OKAY. it goes in the thrift/consignment box TODAY!!

Enough about me. How was YOUR day:) ?

1 comment:

  1. I love how natural and real these poses are. With the background, they look like scenes from a movie. Plus, of course, you're as pretty as a movie-star!

    Lovely wedges and colored tights.
