Sunday, June 23, 2013

All sports no Fashion

All sports no fashion these days. Sorry about this :)

At the last minute (Thursday night) fiance and I choose to jump in and register for this epic 270 km bike ride that we just rode on Saturday (June 22).  There were 60 people (50 men and 8 women) from all across Canada and the US on this epic ride that took us up island and all through very remote and hilly countryside- bear and caribou territory and little-to-no houses for at least 50% of the ride.  The volunteers were incredible and they set up support stations approximately every 40- 60 km with water, healthy food and bike repair guys.

I must say I am very impressed with myself to be able to ride 270km and feel good at the end. I was strong and happy the whole time which meant I managed my nutrition and hydration properly and had consistent energy for the whole ride.  We left at 6:30am and ended up breaking into a few groups of riders.  The strongest fastest guys did it in 8.5 hours. My training partner (on the far right) and I rode with 5 men from Alberta and we all finished it in 9 hours and 57 minutes.  Being amongst the 8 women on the ride I felt kinda like a superhero riding back into town knowing I had just conquered something that is known to be an extremed challenge.   I got home. Ate a HUGE steak and went straight to bed (YES I DID SHOWER FIRST :).


  1. You *are* a superhero, Jodi! And we come here to hear about YOU, so never apologize for what you post about.

  2. Wow, this is great. You are doing wonderful.
