Thursday, July 12, 2012

On the Road Again

Hello lovely Bloggers!   Race season has ramped up so I haven't had alot of time to get out for my outfit photos.  Casual outfit from the road trip to a 1/2 ironman race we just did.  Not only was it a really tough race in terms of HILLS but it was also record breaking heat. I usually wither in the heat on the run but this time around I totally rocked it.  I had one of  the fastest swims for this distance of a race, a solid bike ride and then a good run.  In the end I placed 4th so I was both surprised and happy at the results.  Lesson Number 1: Never give up.

And here I am sporting some leisure shorts and t-shirt.  The yellow line of course, is a good pop of color :)

Hope all is well with you!! MWAH xox J


  1. Great racing Jodi. You are looking like you totally rock those triathlons! I've been enjoying mine this summer, doing my first open water swims and loving the multisport events.

  2. I love those first 2 photos! I love that you're branching out! so awesome!

  3. The yellow line is also a great picture for your theme! Have fun out there...I know you work hard and it shows!

  4. Great photos. Congrats on the achievement. You're my idol.

  5. I love the photo in the road. And the landscape looks like Montana. Am I right?
