Friday, October 1, 2010

Daily Outfit: Wine Legs

Well,  I think if I saw this little number on someone else's blog I would just comment with something like " I like the color of the tights" and "nice fence".  Not quite the effect I thought, but whatever, it's friday and it is comfortable.  Notice buddy in the background.. Just get the tripod all set up and he has to enter the scene.  I smiled and said hi when he walked by but he ignored me. Go figure. Maybe he thinks I will be trying to sell HIS picture all over the internet. Well guess what buddy, a bunch of ladies from around the world now know who you are!!  LOL  2 more sleeps til I fly to Hawaii.. packing tonight- wooo pppeeee

Happy Friday ladies. What do you all have planned for the weekend??? Mwah xoxo j


  1. Hahaha..nice tights, nice denim dress, nice belt, nice boots...and oohhhhh....nice fence:)

    JK...You look stylish and comfy and that's all that matters...think of it this way...before your blog, would you have chosen these pieces? its a success!!!

    Enter my F21 Giftcard Giveaway!!
    Statements in Fashion Blog

  2. You look lovely, as per usual c: xx

  3. I really do like the color of those tights!

  4. I LOVE the background. AND I think it's kinda cool that buddy stepped into the photo when he did! The fence is perfect. That black and white shot is awesome! And..I do love the tights. Okay..seriously..I gotta go shopping! I could totally pull off those colour tights. lol...My weekend? drinking wine with a friend. going to see another friend in a lingerie fashion show at the women's health show...and a baby shower (ugh). I'm excited to see what kind of backdrops you find while you're in Hawaii!! FUN!

  5. I do love those tights that colour is so warm and pretty! Lol at Buddy in the background haha :) have fun in Hawaii!x

  6. You look great! I love the dress.... super cute!

    Confessions of a Beautyholic

  7. Buddy is a superstar now ;-)

    I have teal tights that I haven't dare to wear ...Little trauma as I wore silver tights last winter and a colleague nicely said that my legs looked sick (can a leg really look sick ?)...

    Just discovered your blog and enjoying the read !

    Caro xxx

  8. love your tights! they're so much fun!



  9. Ha ha I love the wine legs! You pull off some great outfits!

    (and don't you hate when people get in your pictures, it's like heeeeeello!)

  10. These are pretty awesome shots, the fence adds to the drama! I've visited several times here and I've concluded, I love it!

    So, I'm followin'!


    20 York Street

  11. Hi Jodi, thanks for the sweet comment on my blog! You have some pretty great pics too. I will be stopping by again soon.

  12. love this! I need some tights that color! so great for fall

  13. Super cute outfit! I love the denim dress with the wine coloured tights! I love the background of your blog, it's fabulous.
