Friday, March 28, 2014

Beige Attack

My week is done. Am off for a long weekend with girlfriends. Don't get jealous but I'm heading to Tofino! It's amazing up there. Rugged surf and lots of beautiful beaches, great restaurants.  Relaxation (and some running) here I come!!!  Have a super weekend!!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

High Top Pants

A rare occasion that I wear pants. I love these ones but they are abit too fancy to wear that often. AND I need shoes with them, not boots.  Remember me, I'm the girl with the boot addiction :)

Not much to report other than I have sore legs from all the trail running I've been doing lately.  Just did a 3.5 hour trail run in a beautiful west coast forest.  Talk about peaceful :0
Hope you had a super day!!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Straight Hair Day

My hairdresser said... (doesn't that sound so pretentious?) that he wanted me to try styling my hair so I can wear it down and straight.  I have some new Bumble and Bumble product and everything. VERDICT? Nope. No can Do.  I am an updo girl through and through.  If my hair is down it needs to be shaped around my face, not long as it pulls my already long face down.

Anyway, just my opinion and I won't be wearing it like this again anytime soon. PLUS I can't stand it flying around in my face.  Gets in a busy active girls way!! <stomp feet>  hah hah

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Going for Comfort

Another day of report writing, budget planning.  I was going for shear comfort today and it worked. I got alot done and could go up and down the stairs quickly for breaks to grab a cup of tea or pre-made beet juice!  Got my hair trimmed yesterday too so am feeling alot better!!

Happy Day Happy Day.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Zebra and Flair

30km run on Sunday meant sore legs Monday so I wore comfy pants and flats to work.  Fitted animal print top and ready to go. Time for a refresh of my hair though. Stayed up til 1:30 am working last night.. was on a roll trying get a report and some financials done.  Oh what's a fashionista to do?

Hope you had a super day today!!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Slouchy Day

Well Hellooooo!!  I am so guilty of being too busy to take outfit photos and to be honest, even worry about how I look these days.  Its crazy season-- getting close to fiscal year end means lots of budgeting, reports to write, planning to do.  AND on top of that I am training for extra long distance races this year.  We have our first long race in a few months that is a 60 km cross country running race.  Yes, I said sixty kilometers. Running. My base run these days is 2.5 hours running and the duration is slowly going up over time.  As a way to get a good cleanse in before things ramp up too much I've been doing alot of Juicing with my Champion Juicer.  I've had this baby for over 20 years now and it's still going strong.

Today's lunch was green juice made of: apple/kale/spinach/celery/ginger/lemon.  And let me tell you it was some YUMMY!!

As for the outfit- I worked from home and had to run out to the bank so this is what I threw on instead of going out in my stretchy pants and hoody :)

Miss you all and will do my best to get by for a visit soon!! MWAH