Thursday, August 11, 2011


Came to work early so got the 'man' to take my photos before work.  I am realizing how I am aging!! Bags under the eyes.. wrinkles.. sagging.. oh my! I  guess it only continues doesn't it? Even though we try in vain to make it all different than it is.  That said, I am in the best shape of my life-- meaning, I am more healthy and fit than I ever was when I was younger. I am more self aware, self assured and loving life than when I was younger. I know who I am and love it!  Actually, I even love me now too!!  As much as looking younger would be nice and all, so what? I would not trade my life in for anything.  While I have always loved my life and have done many exciting and adventurous things, the wisdom and knowledge I have at this time of my life is awesome.  

How bout you? Would you trade in any parts of your life??

xx oJ


  1. I think its wonderful that you are so in shape, and it certainly keeps you looking young. I notice none of those negative things you mentioned, only a woman with a great body and fabulous style!

  2. You do have a great shape. Think I complimented you on that before. You can try Avon's Anew products though if you don't have anything your're using.

  3. I don't see any of the negative things you're saying either. You look enviably great to me!

  4. You always look great. I think one of things about human nature is that we tend to be more harsh on ourselves than others are of us. Love this skirt on you! - Katy

  5. You look amazing as always! How I wish I had your figure...and I see no bags or sags!! I am really not scolding you, Jodi, its just that you are gorgeous...that's where your focus should be when you look in the mirror!! You've got the goods, girl!

  6. What? If that's what aging looks like where do I sign up?

    I think I would have taken more risks earlier on. That's the only thing I would trade.

  7. Absolutely not. Wisdom and confidence trumps smooth skin. And, btw, I love hearing your positive attitude!

  8. You know, it's funny, but I would not return to my youth for anything in the world. I have my health and far more wisdom now. Oddly, I don't notice you aging. You are a model of health!

  9. The old saying... enjoy how you look now because chances are you will never look this good again is true in so many ways
    gravity and time just are not kind to women
    it's the truth and can't be denied
    having said that you look
    fab-u-lous... embrace it baby

  10. You look great! I don't see bags. Oh, stop! My co-worker and I joke that the reason we look younger is because we are chubby and the fat fills out of faces so that we don't have wrinkles. It's true though! The lines on my neck are another story. You have such a killer bod! I should try this exercising/being active thing! I've even been too lazy to visit blogs. The horror!

    Jen Hemming and Hawing Again

  11. Oh pshaw! If "bags under the eyes" meant aging, then I started in my infancy. Seriously, people used to give my parents dirty looks for my exhausted appearance.
    P.S. You look fab.
