Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Butler did it

Disclaimer: this is a public building (in case someone thinks I am doing a break and enter and showing it on this blog!!!) LOL
This is a heritage house open to tourists and is such a beauty. It was closed today though which was good for me, it meant I could take my photos here without any lurkers or gawkers.

I was totally lost for what to wear today and as a result I look like a butler. YES good ol black and white is always the default. I do apologize, this was the best I could do today, well, thats a lie actually, I was just too lazy to be creative. But I feel comfortable in this outfit if that counts for anything!!  My monkey suit as the fiance would call it.  He also tells me I look like Inspector Gadget whenever I wear my black trench coat.  Oh well, at least he has fun with me and all my outfits!!  I did come up with a new black and  red outfit last night that I can't wait to wear so stay tuned on that one!!

Thats about all for today.  I swam this morning and have a ride tonight.  Training is ramping up.  Our first race is at the end of this month.. then they come faster and faster just like pac man.. waccka wacka waccka...catcha later gaters.. xoxo J


  1. You are such an inspiration for many reasons! I love to read about your training...BTW, this leather jacket is just about perfect!!

  2. You do not look like a butler. You look slim and fit and gorgeous. Maybe butlers do also, I have never had one, but I doubt that they do.

  3. you look great with black and white and red! Love the earrings! xo


  4. I was thinking of you last week when I read a news report that talked about the oldest woman to ever run a marathon: she's 92 years old!

  5. Well butler's are classy so that's one for the win column right? Good luck on your training.
    My Heart Blogged

  6. That's a great location for pictures.

  7. Beautiful photog local... and you look good in black and white. I think 50% of looking good is liking what you are wearing.... and I think you look great! Cheers! xoxo

  8. what a beautiful location. love those earrings

  9. Such a cute little house! I love your "monkey suit" you look great and I really like the pop of red in your scarf.
    Fashion in the Fog: Simply Great

  10. HI Gadget....I love this little vest..and the white compliments it perfectly!!!!!
