Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Blue Leopard

Step aside Zoolander with your BLUE STEEL look.  Today I have the BLUE LEOPARD. I was so excited last night when my friend Rita (Adventures of Cinderita) gave me this scarf (and a great bracelet both from SPAIN--I will showcase the bracelet later this week!!!).  I love this new scarf and its even better a) because its a gift from Rita and b) because I didn't have any blue leopard yet (technically this might be ocelot but don't tell anyone- I will consult with my animal expert specialist friend and get back to you).  My hair is looking shaggadelic so is time for another cut and color this time.. time to lighten up for Spring (although the chlorine in the pool just ruins it anyway...). Swam about 4.5 km this morning and bike workout tonight.  My first race of the season is coming up in 3 weeks!! oh boy!!

All for now lovelies!! xoxo J

Monday, May 30, 2011

Brown Stripes

Pushing the fashion rules today. I was told NOT to wear stripes and NOT to wear deep V-neck. But I liked this top that I got for $4 at my favorite thrift store and it is an Esprit top so not too bad.  I have now officially moved to a 4 day work week so you will be getting a few more Unplugged outfits I shall say! and I am already planning what  I will do on my Friday's off!!  I organized all my outfits last night so now this week all I have to do is open the closet and pick an already-assembled- outfit and I am ready to go. This is much more efficient especially since I have to pack ahead since I swim early in the mornings before work. Training is ramping up too so I have no time to waste!

Adios for now dahlings, I hope you are all having a totally awesome day!! xoxo J

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Saturday Unplugged

Alright, welcome to the launch of JODI UNPLUGGED.  A day in the life kinda thing :).   There is a   big international cycling festival on this weekend so many of our team mates are involved and are doing long distance  rides, sprint races, time trials etc.  We have a 1/2 ironman race scheduled for Sunday so are not doing any of the rides for this festival.  Today went to the start line at 7am to watch the Tour de Victoria take off (1700 cyclists) and I snapped some photos of the young boys on bikes (they have a kids ride) and a funky dog (I am not including all the cyclist photos that would likely bore you :).  Tonight we made sushi for dinner.  I love making sushi and its one of my most favorite meals.  For this we use lox salmon, carrot, celery, green onion, sprouts and avocado.  Very good.  Oh yeah, and will finish off with a movie tonight.  As for my outfit, well- you got it, thats the very unplugged part :)

Cheerio for now xoxo J

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fifties Dress

$8.00. That's how much I paid for this dress!! And I love it. Throw on a belt and ready to go.  This reminds me of a fifties dress, fitted, flared skirt.  I felt kinda sassy today too.   Then there was the lipstick covered cigarette butt on the stairs- I could not resist the photo op. NO I DO NOT SMOKE.  This is actually a part of town where the bad ladies hang out (if you know what I mean). So if this cigarette butt could talk I bet it would have some real stories to tell.  Anyway, enough about that.  That's all I have to report for today. Toodle doo for now!! xoxo J

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Blue Jean

Do you remember the song by David Bowie 'Blue Jean'?  I just googled 'song, blue jean' and thats what came up. No I am not that old, but I did listen to some David Bowie when I was younger and in my 'alternative' phase. This dress I got last summer for I think about $3 bucks (money, not male deer, thank you very much...) and I  wore it here (need some pop) and here (denim and camel). I think I was looking  cuter back then, but hey, I was also in prime physical condition from my ironman training.  I found a couple of good items at my favorite thrift store today as well so can hardly wait to showcase the goods. I am doing my best to only shop in thrift stores lately as a way to keep it simple and low impact on the environment, much like my gal pal Em.

Not much else to report other than its been a rockin day so far and I had a great swim this morning even if it meant raccoon eyes from the googles yet again!!  later gaters.. over n out. J

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New Start

Imagine what it would be like to work for someone who was JOYFUL? Well, thats what I have taken on at work!  I really realized during my time off how much I have been tired, worn out, and in automatic pilot mode. SO instead I now come back to work being Joyful and creating a whole new way forward with all there is to manage at work. I am pumped and its already been the great start to the week.

Outfit details: Skirt was $2.00 at the best little thrift shop I just happened upon. I was looking for old magazines for this year-long collaging project I will be working on, and hey, gotta check out the clothing section.  This baby even still had the store tags on it. I love a good deal and I love skirts so I am happy!!  My legs and arms are abit scratched up from gardening yesterday but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.  Not too much else to report today other than Tuesday night is bike night!! I love Tuesdays, cycling in my favorite of all sports so I am always keen for the workout on Tuesdays.  Ps my eyes are not bloodshot from drinking... its from Swimming...DUH...LOL

Thats it for now babes.. til tomorrow xoxo Jodi

Monday, May 23, 2011

day2day activities

I was inspired by Katherines recent posts about Greece, where she used to live, and some of the DIY projects she is working on at her house.  I thought I would give you a glimpse into my day2dayactivities to  be the companion to my day2daywear :).  If you find it boring, well, I am not offended and I hope you still drop by to see my weekly outfits!

We had a long weekend this weekend so lots of time to do great things this weekend:
We eat as healthy as possible. Lots of organic, homemade, raw foods. While I don't eat dairy myself, Fiance made homemade camembert cheese that is almost ready.

We went had a BBQ on Friday night, with organic free range chicken, grilled zucchini, sweet potato and red peppers, along with organic baby greens salad with mung bean sprouts (we sprout our own).
On Saturday I made 2 raw foods recipes: energy balls with spirulina and raw brownies... both recipes are AMAZING (let me know if you want the recipes I am happy to send to you). They mainly consist of nuts and dried dates, raisins and coconut.  I take these babies on my long bike rides for energy.
You would never know this is not a regular brownie.. I am SERIOUS! You have to try it.. see the fork is ready for you :)
Sunday we went for a drive up island to explore the old growth forest and to see the big old trees that are hundreds of years old. Stopped at some great sites along the way.
Not only is this tree HUGE, I also look pretty big!!! (I had about 3 layers on!! and not exactly good posture in this one :(  LOL). BUT this is still Jodi Unplugged so thats okay RIGHT???

And for today I went for a long bike ride and then went downtown to take photos of the Victoria Day parade.
And now, after I have finished off the day with weeding the rest of the garden, I sit, feet up, and relax reading my book (is halfway finished since last week-- Handle with Care by Jodi Picoult).  And then have dinner and pack my stuff for swimming tomorrow and get my lunch made.. bed by 9pm.

See ya tomorrow with daily outfit!! Welcome to my world!! It was a great week off and relaxing long weekend. Thank you powers that be!! I feel refreshed and ready to go!!  xoxo Jodi

Friday, May 20, 2011

Long Weekend

I'm really getting into this relaxing thang!!  I swam this morning then stopped at a great little organic foods cafe for a tea and headed to the beach- hence the very casual attire once again!  I live right by the ocean and hardly go down there other than when I run.  I had a little black buddy today (MR.CROW), he wanted some of my tea but... sorry fella!

The rest of my day will be spent weeding the garden. A run later this afternoon and then date night with fiance. Monday is a holiday and I think we may take off for an overnight kayaking trip. Life is gooooood.  Back to fancier outfits next week!! Happy Weekend everyone!! MWAH. xoxo J