Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Blue Leopard

Step aside Zoolander with your BLUE STEEL look.  Today I have the BLUE LEOPARD. I was so excited last night when my friend Rita (Adventures of Cinderita) gave me this scarf (and a great bracelet both from SPAIN--I will showcase the bracelet later this week!!!).  I love this new scarf and its even better a) because its a gift from Rita and b) because I didn't have any blue leopard yet (technically this might be ocelot but don't tell anyone- I will consult with my animal expert specialist friend and get back to you).  My hair is looking shaggadelic so is time for another cut and color this time.. time to lighten up for Spring (although the chlorine in the pool just ruins it anyway...). Swam about 4.5 km this morning and bike workout tonight.  My first race of the season is coming up in 3 weeks!! oh boy!!

All for now lovelies!! xoxo J


  1. That top is amazing and looks even better with the cool scarf...its fun to get presents!!

  2. Holy crackers! I was totally going to call my post "Blue Leopard" today. Not because I'm wearing blue leopard but because I'm wearing leopard and blue. Great minds, I guess, right?!!

  3. LOL it Gracey. .I am coming over to see!!

  4. love that scarf - what a great find! Love how classy you look in a skirt - is the weather warming over there now?

    xo Nav

  5. The scarf is awesome, and the color is great.

  6. You always look fierce in your animal print - and who doesn't love getting an awesome souvenir?

    Chic on the Cheap

  7. Your scarf looks remarkably like one I mentioned on my blog last year. That scarf costs $995 -- no kidding! http://shybiker.blogspot.com/2010/10/money.html

    I hope Rita didn't pay that much. :)

  8. Great look and color palette on you. Bonus: quoting Zoolander. Heh heh.

  9. great scarf and i love the way you tied it here
    i am liking your hair, so don't feel the need to change it for me. ;)
