Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Remix 17: Zebra and Red

Day 17.  My mom always said "Jode, Red's your color".  Red is supposed to be the best color when you want to raise attention.  Attention alright.  My coach recently told me how much of a leader I am. Well, no surprise I am a Leadership Coach and also the Director at work.  Lately I have been thinking about being a leader and how sometimes I don't want that responsibility.  People look to you.  People look UP to you.  OH the pressure to be GOOD all the time. To be perfect all the time.  To have it all handled.  And more than THEM putting the pressure on me, I PUT IT ON MYSELF.  Anyway, I am sharing these reflections with you right now because I have recently realized how much I hold back and don't let people get tooo close for fear that they will see that I am not perfect (Halaluya!).  By holding back though, I don't have the level or depth of relationships that I really want.

Do you remember in my 7 secrets post,  in #6 I said I was glad I didn't have a sister so I wouldn't be compared. Well, what has been missing for me is having girlfriends that are like sisters (I have 3 brothers).  Last night I really realized that I do have sisters!! TONS of them. They are all around me waiting for me to let them in.  HOLY CRAP that was like a lightening zap from the heavens above. HOW COOL IS THAT?  Anyway, today's post is an acknowledgement of 3 specific sisters that I LOVE and cherish (and don't tell them this enough)!!!  Todays' post is for Cinderita, Nicole H and Julie S.  Thanks girls. I love you!!

AND there are many many more that I will be mentioning in my next posts (I havent forgotten about you all:)

Remix Items: Zebra dress, red sweater, brown knee high boots
This is the first time with the dress for this challenge so time to wear it!!  Earrings- these are new from Benny (I love them!!).  And photo's taken in the basement at work because I wasn't will to freeze my girl balls off outside again!! LOL

Long post, but necessary today.  I really really really appreciate all of you who visit me regularly and for all the new visitors and followers.  It's been so amazing having a community like you who are so fun, supportive, creative and just awesome all around!!   Happy mixing.. 13 days to go!!!

xox J


  1. *sniffle sniffle*...Oh. So. Awesome. First, I LOVE that you took your own photo in a bathroom! In a public bathroom on less. FANTASTIC! Second, I LOVE the shot of you in the red, especially the second one. Nothing like a close up of red to turn a girl on! Ha! Love it!

    And Jodi..you are amazing. And seriously, I'm happy to keep reminding you. Love love LOVE you!

    Did you read what I wrote last night? That was meant for You too. xo

  2. I love this look!!! So perfect for upcoming holidays!

  3. Fabulous post.

    And my God that's an awesome outfit. RED is definitely your color!!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!


  4. What a fantastic outfit! I haven't worn animal print in about 20 years ... must rethink that decision.

  5. You already know I'm a lover of animal print...so of course I think you look amazing today...but then again you always do!

  6. What a cute dress, where is it from again? I agree with your mother, red is fantastic on you. You are doing a great job with the 30 for 30.

  7. You look amazing. Love the red with the animal print and your sneaky location is great. Isn't having a blogging community amazing? It's so cool to be part of it and share thoughts with people every day.

    PS It was red day - glad you got the memo. ;-)

  8. What? You didn't want to freeze outside? For shame!

    I think this bold look is really perfect on you, I love the zebra dress.
    Go forth and command attention!

  9. Wow! You definitely got my attention in your red sweater and print skirt...seriously awesome!
    Kristina J.

  10. wow, that red POPS! I appreciate your reflections on leadership. I can empathize with you greatly. Thanks for being honest.



  11. LOVE this outfit! You've done a great job pairing those boots with that belt and making it all work with the red and zebra. I'm very inspired! Red is your best color. What I think is great is they way you styled the dress to look like a skirt - this leaves a lot of possibility for other outfit combos later on in the challenge.

    G J A

  12. This is my kind of outfit! I love it! Red and animal print in the same outfit? Heaven!

  13. First off, I love that outfit. Red really is your color. And how clever to take your pics in the bathroom :)
    Second, I completely understand where you are coming from. I am a major perfectionist.
    I think you're great :)

  14. that zebra skirt is awesome and red is your color dear

  15. I love red and your Mum is correct, you do look good in red.

    You have amazing legs, I'm very envious because I dislike my own legs and wish for the leg fairy to bring me nice legs...as of yet the leg fairy has been holding out on me.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog! I am always thrilled to meet another boot lover.

  16. Holla Hola lady!! Awesome mix!! you look so pretty..and yea, I agree...red is where its at for you doll:)

    I git your email...I felt the hug....you are an amazing friend Jodi:) thank you....

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Enter my Spotted Moth Giveaway♥

  17. Great Zebra Skirt.... and YES your mama was right - red is YOUR color!

    Yours Truly

  18. This look is absolutely stellar! Your mom is absolutely right! Red is your color. I love that you chose brown boots here too!

  19. Such a great look
    I rarely wear red, but you have just inspired me.
    I think you said the zebra skirt is really a dress. Would love to see it. Make a great flirty skirt!!

  20. Ooh, I love this. You really do look so good in red, and I love how you paired brown with this outfit. Very cute.

  21. Oh red is a great colour on you. Very patriotic! hee hee
    And my hubby was born in Canada, but his parents definitely have Scottish accents. I love it.

  22. I love red on you. Great color and great outfit! Like always of course!

  23. Hi Jodi! I have to explain and apologize. My laptop died two weeks ago and I've been borrowing another until I get mine back in a few days (with a new hard-drive). In the process, I lost all my bookmarks and had trouble locating many familiar sites, yours included. Until you just commented, I couldn't remember where your site was, which explains my absence. Sorry for that.

    Love the skirt!

  24. This outfit is BEAUTIFUL! The red with the zebra and the brown... oh, I just love it! Everything looks perfect.

  25. Thanks for the link to the dress. I really do love it. I see why you picked for the challenge!

  26. This is FABULOUS! The scarf is so amazing and sculptural, and I love it paired with the animal print.

  27. Love your outfit! Your pictures are so great. I really like how you separate the accessories and show close up shots.

    Thanks for following :)
