Sunday, February 13, 2011

Remix 12: Teal Tights

And its a TEAL kindof day. This is the great thing.  I got these Amazing Tights through Katy at ModlyChic... we had the opportunity to try out some tights from We Love Colors and they are so nice.. so soft and comfy and you can tell they are good quality when you put them on.  And I dont know if I would otherwise have worn a pair like this.. but because they have such a huge and funky selection I thought I would be daring and get some more color in my wardrobe.  Hope you like the tracks. I am out  looking for Joanne from Sidewalk Chic (hah hah she is often seen hangin by the tracks).  Today was a great and sunny day for a 1.5 hour run as part of our training... fiance made a big pot of chili for the chili cookoff they are having at work and I, well, I had to work.  Oh well, at least I got out to take some photos!!

Remix items: black tunic, black boots.
Please excuse my monster legs... the color seems to accentuate the muscles??? OIY!

Later gaters. xoxo J


  1. I've been talking to Kimberly and Collette about my need to go outside my comfort zone of colour - Black! I need to wear more coloured tights aside from my usual blacks and greys!

    I can't really find a lot of coloured ones in store though.

    I gotta say J, you look fantastic and the railtracks add a certain feel to the photos! Yes, reminds me of JoAnn! The Canadian version!

    Have a Happy, Happy Valentines My dear!



    p.s. can't wait to see you soon!

  2. Heyyy that's where my teal tights went! j/k, but if they did, you'd be doing the proper. Always love your style, girl. I know you cram a lot in every day but you're always so fresh and stylish. An inspiration to us all! xoxo!

  3. I love how a pair of colorful tights can really transform an outfit.
    My Heart Blogged

  4. I love the bright teal tights, WeLove Colors has the best tights ever. I won a pair of their tights last year! :)

  5. love the tights. You look like you're in a bit of a bad mood though today. lol. Love the tracks! I think photos and women showing off fashion on the tracks are awesome

  6. Im a HUGE fan of We Love Colors....and I have the same pair....yours look great on you!!

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Enter my Silver Lining Décor Jewelry Giveaway!!♥

  7. I love these blue tights...I hope to get some fun colors next year!! It is already warming up here again! Have a great day....

  8. Great color. It perks up whatever you wear with it. Happy Valentine's Day, buddy!

  9. love the tights color :)
    im your new follower
    will you follow me back please?


  10. Those tights look great on you and I don't think you have monster legs at all. I used to be super embarrassed by my muscular legs, but as you know, I've gotten over that :)
    Check out my cowl scraf give-away!

  11. LOL cinderita.. you are funny, yes I do look like I am in a bit of a bad mood.. not smiling, but actually I was feeling peaceful.. melancholy!! LOL

  12. Monster legs. You jest. How did it go with THE employee?

  13. I pop along here and you're wearing teal tights. And guess what - so am I! How weird is that? You look wonderful in them and they add the perfect touch to this look.

    And I love the railway tracks. Very jealous. Off to search the interweb to see if there are any abandoned tracks near me. Hope work was better today.

  14. Love the pop of blue in this. And I was just thinking about how enviably strong your legs are when I read the "monster" line. You are far from having monster legs! They are obviously strong and help you do what you love!


  15. I want a pair of tights that color so bad.
    By the time I can wear them after 30 for 30 It will not be tight wearing weather here anymore
    I love this color on you!

  16. Fantastic legs, Jodi - and those tights show them off perfectly. Very sassy.

  17. I'd kill for those lovely gams ;). And not for nothing, but your photos just get better by the day!

    :). Doreen

  18. What? Are u crazee? How can you ask for your legs to be excused? they're gorgeous ... no excuses allowed or necessary.

    Love the tights - I don't think I have it in me to wear them - but I love them on everyone.

  19. Gorgeous tights! And the whole photography here is wonderful.

    Books and Looks
