Saturday, February 12, 2011

Remix 11: Blue top

Okay, I have a confession. This outfit is from Friday. Day 11. I didn't post it because of my Friend Frida post.  On Friday, I had the afternoon off so I went to the beach to relax and do some reflecting. Very peaceful it was.  Then went home and fiance and I went out for dinner and I had several glasses of micro-brew beer. Guess what? It took the work edge off!! hah hah!

Then today we had a 4 hour bike ride in the rain.  My fingers and toes were completely frozen by the time I got home. I couldn't even wiggle my toes. To be honest, I was glad I still had all 10 digits and none broke off from being frozen. So I soaked in the tub for a good hour and have stayed indoors in my comfy clothes for the rest of the day. No outfit photo today (you get yesterdays instead!!).

Stay tuned for more adventures!!! xoxo J


  1. Sorry about the work-trouble. That kind of stress can be hard to handle. You found the best cure: the beach is the most calming place in the world. Glad you were able to settle down.

  2. Great outfit, bad work mojo. I like the pop of color of your earrings.

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  3. Sorry your work is hectic. But, honestly leaving, and collecting yourself was the smart thing to do. It's so easy to do something in the moment. I don't know why people have no respect for people in charge anymore. I'm young, but I feel like no knows what respect means, anymore, and no one wants to actually work. Everyone wants things handed to them, tons of raises, and promotions. Sorry for the rant but I really don't get why people aren't just happy to have a job.
    My Heart Blogged

  4. That last photo is pretty awesome!

  5. Ugh, fortunately I've only ever had to deal with managing slackers, not active insubordination. But, at least you looked great -- I really like this outfit!

  6. I love this scarf...you look very in command, in control, and ready to kick ______....I am envious that you live so close to a beach. It is the best place to sit and gather thoughts. May you have the wisdom and discernment you need to handle this situation properly.

  7. That shirt is beautiful. And you always pull of scarves so well. When I wear long scarves all day, it just kind of looks like I forgot to take it off with my coat that morning.

    So sorry about the work situation. I can't think of better way to handle it than what you've done so far - hit the beach, have some beers, work out hardcore, and then relax in the bath. I know you'll come up with the perfect thing to do to deal with it directly tomorrow.

  8. I know exactly how you feel about your work situation. I love that scarf. It is absolutely beautiful.

  9. Sorry things are challenging at work. That's not good but glad you got some downtime. The backdrop is wonderful. Your beach looks so nice.

    Love the belt and the boots together and the scarf helps to lift it all to the next level. You look amazing, lady.

  10. SOrry to hear about the work issues....on a happier note..this photoshoot rocks it bigtime....totally love the outfit too....kelp? not so much, lol

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  11. So sorry about the work troubles. You gotta wonder what some folks are thinking, kindness is such a better option! The beach is a great place to soothe the soul. I for one could never live someplaces without the ocean. You look beautiful in spite of the stress. Keep your head high girl, and know that your bloggie friends think you are the bomb!

    sending internet hugs your way.... Doreen

  12. You look hott, love this outfit! As for the gal work drama tisk tisk, that sucks, I think it is great that you left early and chilled out. That is probably what keeps you sane during all the drama.

  13. What a beautiful tunic! If it ever gets bored in your closet, it can come take a vacation in my home for a while . . . :)

  14. I, too, find the beach to be peaceful. In any kind of weather, too. I'm not particular. Glad you had the 3 b's: beach, beer, boy, in no particular order. Sounds like a good recipe:)

  15. Totally Jealous that you went to the beach!
    Love the pop of red in the earrings with all of the blue.
