Monday, November 1, 2010

Daily Outfit: Quebec Red Room

Long day.  No full outfit shot and too bad because it was a good one!!  But the lucky thing for me is now I get to wear it again and post a good pic of it (so I don't feel bad repeating outfits!! :)  I tried some night shots but was rushed since I was with the group from work so this is all you get tonight ladies.  I feel like a blog addict. It was weird not posting this morning and catching a few of you during the day and I caught myself wondering what great backdrop Emma was going to use today, and what kind of layered outfit Colette would wear and what great purse Twenty York Street would be proudly showing us... and what would Everyone Loves Lipstick make me jealous of yet again... and then in the middle of our meeting someone asked me a question and snapped me out of it..." huh, wa?  Oh, can you repeat that question... ".  AND I found myself more excited to see my national colleagues to see what they were wearing rather than to find out how they have progressed with this project we are working on... OH NOOOO am I becoming a slave to fashion????

Off to bed for me since it's also 3 hours ahead of my regular time here so I am all screwed up.  Miss ya and catch up real soon.. will do my best to get better shots tomorrow. Promise.  

Hugs, J


  1. You are such a joy, seriously:) and yes, to confirm..you are becoming a slave to fashion!!! woo hoo!!
    Have fun hunnie...and slip in some shopping if you can, hehehee..and just what exactly goes on in that "red room"??? hahaha

    Love & Hugs!!!

    Stop by and say Hello ♥
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  2. Ooo I like the red room!
    And I love capturing night time pictures! (I'm still learning how to do them :)

    Annnd my mum really liked your last post! She loves your hair, which it is fabulous!

  3. Haha...total slave to fashion...I always think the same thing...although my whole life all I've thought about was fashion..but now I find myself trying all sorts of "trendy" things I never would have in a million years...so I keep having to question myself if these "trends" are actually things Natasha likes...or things the fashion blogging world is making me think I like..haha..
    The red room looks quite cool!!

  4. This red room is at my hotel.. its a trendy martini bar.. I was too bagged to have martini's though :(

  5. haha, i love your thought that if there is no photo, no one will ever know you are repeating. hehe.
    I also love your night shot -- night photography is so fun and beautiful!

    Chic on the Cheap
