Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Daily Outfit: November Sun

ohhhh the sun back in BC is fantastic!!  I got home all red-eyed from my 6am flight from Quebec (yes, I am going to have a talk with my colleague who booked my there AND back flight so early.. hmmm this seems alittle fishy...  I got organized and went out into the sun and out and about for a drive along the ocean with the sunroof open.  Don't I look like a real beach tart with my skirt blowing open and the fishnets showing? LOL I laughed when I saw this one and thought you guys would love it!!  Since I had so much bloody time on my flight I made up a list of 30 outfit ideas for the 30 for 30 Challenge that starts on Monday... So far a few of you are doing it that I know of and I bet there will be lots who have signed up with Kendi. She seems really down to earth and wholesome, bet she is really nice.   I have our November  Lovely Lady coming up for you all as well so wait and see!!  I'll be by later tonight to visit you all... I'll bring the wine. Red Wine that is.  That's my fav, dry red. In case you ever want to send me a bottle or anything.  Kristen-- you can save yours and I will come down there to drink it with you and you mom :)

Over n out- I have to go rake leaves before the sun goes down.  MWAH xoxo

7 more days to enter the BETHANY JANE EARRING GIVEAWAY


  1. Love the colour of your cardigan and your belt is great. I still have to finalise my items for the 30 for 30. Looking like a lot of colour at the moment.

  2. Ha ha I love you Jodi! Instead of coming down here, we'll meet you up there! I have always wanted to visit Canada!

    And I love your outift! I want a green sweater like that!

  3. WHOA! Jodi! That last photo...HELLO!!!! That is hot! Your hair looks FANTASTIC!! Nice one! Okay, so time to change your profile photo again! That last one will make EVERYONE happy! Trust me! Love love LOVE It! You weren't kidding. Your hair does look great! and that shade of green is perfect on you!

  4. The hair, that outfit, those fishnets...hello hottie! You look great! This is one of my fav. outfits.

  5. Love your cute floral dress! And I'm glad you got to enjoy some sun. Sorry about the early flights... you'd better take that up with your coworker!

    Chic on the Cheap

  6. Do I spy some fish nets stockings?? LOVE IT!!! and that color sweater? is amazing on you...Im thinking that is YOUR color:)

    Great pics too!!!

    Hugs & Kissed dollie:)

    Stop by and say Hello ♥
    Statements in Fashion Blog

  7. funny, I love the color of this sweater, but don't like the sweater.. to me its too shapeless and frumpy so I have to find ways to funk it up... okay so maybe I should keep it..maybe even add to the 30 for 30... if not, I'll send it to one of you :)

  8. ohh love this outfit, totally would wear it :D Ahhh BC makes such great backdrops eh? Your photos are fantastic today (well they always are!)

  9. I love the way you have worn your sweater! I have one very similar in white (with 3/4 sleeves) and like you, I never feel right about how it looks when I wear it. I actually bought it from Jacob about 6 years ago and it's still brand new, that's how little I wear it! So I am totally going to steal this look and try wearing it this way!! Although I think it may have losta button at some point, so I'll have to remedy that first, LOL!
    On a side note, I love reading your blog. You are so inspiring (as always!!)and you have such great style. Next time you are in Vancouver I want you to take me shopping, my closet needs an influx of stylish and fun clothes. After moving bakc and forth across the country, all I am left with is boring basics and random pieces that I find hard to wear, LOL!

  10. Hi Jenni.. I would love to meet up in Vancouver and go shopping with you.. Its always fun to find clothes for someone else.. I dont have your contact info though, since you do not have a blog profile.. you can always email it to me at day2daywear@gmail.com.

    I come to Vancouver quite often for work!! and I bet that white sweater would look awesome with say, a black belt and a black and white patterned skirt.. or what about a RED wide belt and a black and white patterned skirt... lets connect!!!

  11. I ADORE this entire outfit! if u were a sales assoc at a store I was shopping in, I would buy the head to toe look then and there.
