Monday, January 13, 2014

Homemade Cowl

Happy New Year... Yes, I'm abit behind but better late than never right?  It's been a crazy few weeks with moving and all. My first day back at work I got up in the morning and realized I had no idea where all my work clothes were so was rummaging around in all my boxes trying to find some kind of outfit. OIY!  Still unpacking boxes and arranging the new place. ONE of the great things is this big wall in our office. I want to leave it a nice long bare wall so I can use it as a clean backdrop. Our old house was 780 square feet and not so great for finding indoor locations due to space constraints!!

I'll post a bunch of my upcoming DIY house projects soon. Many many ideas and lots to do which excites me!!  Anyway.  This is the cowl I made and I quite like it. I got 3 compliments on it today even. Last year I learned to knit and this is the 2nd thing I have ever made.  I have another one I made over xmas to show you soon as well.    Now that I have a better area to take indoor photos that might help me dress up abit more creatively so there are some worthy outfits to show on here!

Hope you are well and having a cozy evening wherever you are!!


  1. hey i love that. did you make it?

  2. Love the cowl. It creates a beautiful silhouette. (Can't believe I spelled that right.)
