Thursday, December 19, 2013

Brown mini using mini camera

Hello!! I always feel more spunky wearing tights and short skirts. Much more my style than stoopid pants that never fit anyway!!  And not so great in the photography department these days. Long dark days, long busy days, training, working. When is a girl supposed to take outfit photos?   I love this skirt, its kindof thick shiny fabric. Hard to explain.  Abit stiff. Doesn't wrinkle. Likely made of toxic chemicals.

I hope you have a super day.  2 crazy packed full days left of work then off for the holidays. It will be fantastic!!!  xox J

1 comment:

  1. Damn, girl -- you look like secret agent Sydney Bristow racing through industrial stairways to escape the bad guys in pursuit.

    (I'm playing hooky from work right now after being chained here for weeks. I knew if I visited your blog, you'd cheer me up. You did!)
