Monday, May 2, 2011

Rainy May Day

OHHHH I had nothing to wear this morning!! How annoying.. I want to do the 30 for 30 again just to make getting dressed easier... I must have tried on about 4 outfits and none seemed to do it today. I was just searching for something that could work for this RAIN!!  I packed up all my boots last week-- guess that was a bit premature???  So you get something not all that creative but animal theme. I also wanted something that would match my new umbrella so that was a deciding factor!  Fiance took the photos within 5 minutes this morning so they were quick.  And you can see my killer quad muscles here... hence why I normally wear skirts!!!  I have trouble finding pants to fit me because of my legs actually.

We did our adventure race this weekend and it was SO MUCH FUN!! I did the kayak portion. 5km of non-stop fast paddling.  We had 8 team members and we had to: downhill ski, cross country ski, road run, trail run, mountain bike, kayak, road bike, canoe.  Then a beer garden afterwards. I was bushed last night when I got home... Hence looking abit tired today!!  Here's a photo of weekend casual clothes when we went to pick up our race package.
Have a super day!! MWAH!! oxoxj


  1. So jealous of the rain and the shoes!! The shoes look so cool with the red flowers!
    Stop by and read my story about what I witnessed Saturday between a soap star and a budding jewelry designer...it was fun!

  2. Those pants look great on you...I don't think I've ever seem you in skinnies!!

    Natasha ~ Required2BeInspired

  3. I like your casual clothes! It's like a whole different you.

  4. You look just as smashing dressed down as you do dressed up !

  5. Now, how great was YOUR weekend???? You are my hero Jodi, you truly are. Every time i come over here you inspire and motivate me.

    AND it's reassuring to know that THIS happens to other active women's legs as well.... ;)

  6. If anyone should have a zebra-print umbrella, it's Jodi! I'm pretty sure it was raining as many cats and dogs on your zebra as it was here on my head! Buckets! Drenched or not, you always look fabulous!

    I was also thinking about the 30 for 30. Will there be a spring one, or is it that many of us are still awaiting spring?

    Stay dry!
    Jen Hemming and Hawing Again

  7. Fabulous animal print mixing, i love the umbrella! And of course, the pop of red :)

  8. Oh, your weekend sounds fun. Hard, but fun. Sometimes those are just the best.

    Also, loving that zebra umbrella - I think the rainstorm that forced you to buy it was serendipitous indeed!

  9. I LOVE the photo of you in the snow!!!!!

  10. Your adventure race sounds really fun!

  11. killer red heels and I am loving your umbrella!

    Stop by and join my Bath & Body Works Giveaway!

  12. Wow, you sound like an amazing athlete! Sounds so hard but fun!

  13. I love it when you rock animal print, you always do it so well. Plus how cool is your umbrella!

    I wanted to make sure you knew I gave you a shout-out in my recent post!!

  14. Where did you get those pants? I love them

  15. I hate getting dressed when its raining! i feel like nothing works in the rain.
    but i do love your animal prints!
    here is hoping for sunny skies tomorrow!

    Chic on the Cheap

  16. Your umbrella is so cute! Love the shoes too.

    Shopping and Spreadsheets

  17. Yup, it's confirmed: when they invent a machine that lets us switch bodies, I want yours!

  18. You are one hot mamma with your double animal print and smokin' red shoes!
