Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Office Girl

I was trying to be like a model from the Sears Catalogue today. LOL as if. Well, when I was young I actually DID want to be a model. And I would practice poses from the catalogue that we got sent in the mail.  If you dont believe me, see below:

I am on the left in both shots and as you can see I already had my signature pose perfected at that time!!
Yes I was even willing to brave the elements by tying my shirt into a halter top in the winter to do outdoor shots and hope that some bigtime modeling agency would discover me in the small town I was from--  I would get whisked away to fame in the big city... never happened. sigh. so instead I have my own little corner of the internet to share my pretty normal wardrobe.  I did love that coat I was wearing, until my little brother puked on it in the car when he got carsick.. but thats a story for  another kind of blog... I digress.

Have a super day!!  LOL  xoxo Jodi


  1. Fun pictures!! I love the green cardigan..great color for you, jodi!!

  2. Haaaaaa! Great story! Brothers. Hmph.

  3. Lol, Great story! Love the jewelry shot and the colorful beads. You look fabulous in that pencil skirt. GO Girl!!

  4. I laid in bed this morning, too long, trying to figure out how to use my white button down shirt without looking "cliche"... this look is so fresh but classic I"ll have to remember it... maybe for tomorrow!

  5. Those old pictures are really fun, and I like that necklace!

  6. So you went from hot girl in the rain the HOTTIE in the office!
    LOL @ your story and pictures.
    Thanks for sharing especially the brother puking on the coat. Sounds like my childhood. :)

  7. I totally used to take pictures with my friends. I don't know if I really wanted to be a model, I just wanted to be famous when I was young, and live a fabulous life.
    My Heart Blogged

  8. So cute!!! Love the looks now and then ;)

  9. I was looking at these thinking how much you are a model!!! You are a hott office gal in your pencil skirt and cardi VA VA VOOM!
    And I am loving the kid pictures just shows you were photogenic from day 1!

  10. Love the "posin' in the snow" photos. I think we all secretly wanted to be "discovered" when we were teens. I had a photographer tell me I could be a "petite model" in Asia. Right... this from a mediocre photographer in Southern Oregon.

  11. Fab look, i love the cardi and necklace!

  12. What great pictues of your youth - thanks for sharing.

    You look like you could kick butt and take notes;) in todays OOTD shots. hehehehehehe

  13. How adorable are you? My BFF and I used to pose all the time, too. We have some pretty ridiculous Polaroids!
    xo, f
    The House in the Clouds
