Saturday, February 7, 2015
Saturday Wear
2 more sleeps and I get my hair cut. I can hardly stand it. It's to the point where I don't even want to leave the house these days. Never will I let this happen again!! I did my long bike ride today and then came home, did some house cleaning and got organized to go for a drive and coffee with a girlfriend of mine. She has been single for a long time and has recently met someone new. She's nervous to get her hopes up and also very excited so I feel honored to be the only one who knows about this right now. We went for coffee so she could give me an update. I'm living vicariously through her as she shares about the exciting aspects of a bran new relationship. Not that mine's not awesome, its just fun to hear the new-ness of it all and how excited she is.
Other than that, I'm now at home making a huge pot of turkey soup so we can freeze it and have on hand for the wet rainy days we are out cycling. Its so great to come home and have soups and chili's on those days. Four hour trail run planned for Sunday. I can't wait, thats always the highlight of my weekend, its so amazing being out in the west coast forest, rain or shine!!
PS. I LOVE This purse I have-- I bought it in Thailand in a small village and love the colors of it.
Hope you are having a great weekend so far as well!
Great purse. Good luck with the hair-cut.