Saturday, September 22, 2012

Time to Fly (again:)

Happy Saturday! No I haven't gone MIA... just relaxing abit after my race season AND I am having trouble with outfits these days.  I have slimmed down over this past year due to training and a few tweaks to the way I eat.  I have gained more lean muscle and as you likely know, that helps to burn fat.  Over the months I have been bagging up clothes that don't fit and either taking them to the consignment store or putting them on the curb for Big Brothers Big Sisters to pick up.  I didn't really notice it little by little but now that fall is coming I hardly have any clothes left in my closet. Everything is too big or its just plain ol time to update.

It's time to fly again!!  I am exploring the latest fashions and wondering what  I could do to shake up my style.. wondering what kind of styles would look good on me that I haven't ever tried before.  I like the boho look as long as its got some shape and structure since I can't do baggy.  I also really love the 50's ish fitted styles with high waistlines.  Looks to me like furs, leathers, matching tops and bottoms, appliques and defined waistlines are in this season.

Off to Montreal for 1 week for work so hopefully I will find some funky stuff there. Stay tuned. Next report will be from french part of Canada :)  Fingers crossed I don't come back looking like a Sasquatch in some big furry coat.. LOL

xo Jodi

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you need to go shopping! Fill the void in your closet. Plus, given your fit shape, you'll find it easy to look good.
