Sunday, July 22, 2012

Jodi Unplugged: After the big weekend

Happy Sunday evening!  Here's a peek at Jodi Unplugged on a Sunday after dinner.  I have NO makeup on and my hair is in crazy braids with it all frizzy after my early workout and then the day in the garden.  Oh, and look- I am even wearing my favorite old stretched out t-shirt :).

Why do I look like this  you might ask?
This was a big volume weekend for our training.  I will give you a snapshot of what my weekend looked like:

Saturday: meet team 8am. Ride HILLY 180km bike ride, come home and run 30 minutes immediately after.  Make recovery smoothie.  Shower.  20 minute recovery nap.  Clean house. Make dinner. Check email.  Prepare stuff for Sunday workout.

Sunday: meet team 9am.  Run 1.5 hour hard/fast run, followed by 30 minute swim.  Come home, eat recovery snack. Shower.  Weed garden.  Pack for upcoming trip.  Clean house.  Make dinner, make quiche for lunch for the upcoming week.  Prepare swim stuff for 6am swim on Monday.

We are nearing the BIG RACE (end of August).  I can honestly say, I LOVE this part of the training.  I am feeling SO strong and fit with this being the beginning of our peak level of fitness.  I must admit I have been lacking in the creative outfit department for the last while but I will try to get a few more fun outfits on and photographed for your viewing pleasure :)

I hope you all had a great weekend doing something that made your heart sing :)  MWAH and talk to ya this week. xoxo J


  1. I love your hair--and it deserves to look this way after a strenuous weekend like this.

  2. I liked reading about your workouts.
