Friday, November 11, 2011

Leopard Tights

My long journey to finding leopard tights is over. I found some in Montreal. Not exactly the pair I had been dreaming about but instead of not having any at all I splurged on these ones.  Got home late afternoon, threw on my brown tunic, tights and boots and went out to get some groceries and grab a quick cuppa with fiance.  Tonight we relax and watch movies. After being away all week for work the last thing I want to do is go out anywhere. I am hunkered down at home for the rest of the weekend-- except of course, for my run and bike workouts!!!

Hope you have an exceptional weekend yourselves!!! oxoxo Jodi


  1. These are great! I like that they are a subtle leopard print. I love the leaf earrings on a leaf, so creative. And you look so cute and cozy!! Staying home tonight also, getting a little workout via dancing to Michael Jackson songs! :)

  2. I didn't notice the print until the closeup photo. They are subtle, which can be a good thing; animal-prints too often overwhelm an outfit.

    I'm in favor of anything that brings out the animal in you!

  3. I love, love those tights - like Shybiker said, they are just the right touch. Have a great, relaxing weekend.

  4. Those tights are perfect. Not too garish, but still fun.

  5. I think those tights are great - subtle and classy.
    Nice capture with the steam from the coffee cup!

    Chic on the Cheap

  6. beautiful blog and picture, u have great style and love ur blog, i hope u can follow back im a new follower britters89.blogspot.com

  7. Love this sequence of shots lady - great story telling

