Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tunic Time

I got up at 5am and got up to Bikrams ready to go. The instructor didn't show up. About 30 people standing outside in yoga shorts in the cold waiting. HMMM. It was interesting to observe what was going through my mind about that. So, instead I came home, did some stretching on my own and came into work early.  Trying to take my photo at 7am in the dark.. there was a neighbour about to walk her dog down past where I was. She saw me and stopped and hid behind a tree and was watching me. AS IF I COULD'NT SEE HER!  So I was quick, photos are blurred etc but anyway, you get the idea.  The tunic is brown and so are my boots and belt. This is black and white photo week so you must use your imagination on the color aspect of it :0.

Strong americano, poached eggs, organic apple, stretching and my favorite boots are what make my day awesome so far!!  How bout you???  How's the week going so far???

xox oJ


  1. The week is good...autumn just arrived in the form of a cold, blustery front..so I am very happy!! I would be happier if I looked like you in this tunic...but I am working on it. Zumba today!

  2. You look great in tunics. They emphasize your athletic fitness.

    A few months ago, I decided to improve my fitness. I've been eating better and exercising more. In the back of my head has been a thought of you: you're my inspiration for better health. I think about how terrific you look in the superb shape you're in and I want to get closer to that. Thanks!

  3. You look wonderful in this. So fit and strong - definitely an inspiration!

  4. I am impressed that you got up so early! I have to exercise after work, because I need sleep in the morning.

  5. You crack me up, I can't believe your neighbor tried to hide. Nice. You look fantabulous, of course. Gotta start the day a small piece of dark chocolate. I hate starting my day without it and every once in a while I run out.


  6. That sucks what happened to you this morning...but good for you for taking things into your own hands..I love the pics...thats blogger dedication babes:)

    Statements in Fashion: A Funky Little Fashion Blog

  7. You look great...I did not look like this at 7am, lol. Arn't nosey ppl so annoying my neighbors watch me all the time...its creepy.

    Check out my Giveaway:
    Fashion in the Fog: Time for a Giveaway

  8. got to love the ease of the tunic and boots!
    I didn't know it was black and white week.
    and i love poached eggs and strong coffee.

    Chic on the Cheap
