Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Cherry Blossom

Yep. Getting time for a haircut alright!  Fiance was driving home the other day and then came home and said " I have the perfect place for a photoshoot". That is strange to me since he is normally very uninterested when I ask if he can take my photo... but anyway.. this park is so beautiful and the trees look so pretty right now. The trick is getting a shot when there are no people around, or rain or wind.  So he got me to pose, and pose again, and pose again... I am telling you we were there for like 40 minutes and meanwhile you can see my red nose (COLD).  When I take my photos I am IN and OUT within 10 minutes!! So maybe my secret wish to be a model isn't actually all the glamour I thought it would be...LOL, guess I will stick with being an over-trained, under-slept triathlete who loves to eat!!

Not much else to say at the moment.. but I will bless your blogs with strange comments as I think of them :P.

Have yourself one wild day!! xoxo Jodi


  1. I'm totally with you on the get in, get out in the morning with the blog pix. I allow myself 15 minutes to get it done. It does make posing in a public place more comfortable for me to have someone else shoot the pictures. You look lovely as always. The trench is very "sexy-yet-I-mean-business chic". Now go have a nice warm cup of tea.

  2. Love these photos
    I am patiently waiting for my lone little cherry to blossom soon here
    You are looking very sophisticated here!

  3. Oh, but so worth it! the spot is truly perfect, i love the reflection of the blossoms in the pond.

    and i love your turquoise necklace!

  4. He was so right...the tree is gorgeous..what a great romantic picnic spot..or photo shoot! I loved the shot with your while trench coat...just beautiful!!

  5. Getting the perfect spot is hard, this is lovely, and I like your hair as is!

    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    E.Caffey handbag giveaway

  6. oh loving the cherry blossoms... I WISH I could grow them in our backyard. and HUGE thankyou for coming by to give me tripod suggestions! I have the first kind (the one for smaller cameras) which i got as a christmas stocking stuffer gift. I will be putting it to good use now for srue!

    Thanks lady. P.S. you look great! xo

  7. You look chic here and so lovely that your fiance found this brilliant backdrop. Yep, modelling is difficult, cold and often uncomfortable. But it's also brilliant fun. Like most things in life, you take the rough with the smooth. :-)

  8. I love that last photo! He did a great job!!

  9. loving your trench and how pretty is that tree!?!? Gorgeous.

  10. I never realized this before, but you have the exact hairstyle I'd want if I were female. It's so attractive and so accurately reveals my personality. Maybe we were twins, separated at birth...

  11. You look beautiful and I love the cherry blossoms!

  12. What a beautiful location. This skirt looks great on you. You are so working it!
    My Heart Blogged

  13. Gorgeous location and gorgeous Jodi. I know exactly what you mean about the photo shoot taking too long. I do mine in about 10 minutes, and they probably look it, but it is NOT warm enough to frolic in the outdoors for 40 minutes without a coat. Maybe I'll take more time this summer, but I doubt it.

  14. It is a fantastic location and props to him for insisting on it and being so patient with the shoot. What kind of tree is it in the background?

  15. The 3rd picture is PERFECT. You look so calm and relaxed...with a cute little red nose. :)

  16. This truly IS the best photoshoot location......you look beautiful hunnie....love the booties!!

  17. That location is beautiful it would be the perfect place to have a picnic or a lovely photo shoot. You look great and I love the little ankle booties.

  18. what a gorgeous location + you look fabulous!

  19. Ah! I almost choked up for a second, the first photo may just be the answer to my prayer for the perfect sakura tree. So gorgeous.

    You are lucky, the weather in Toronto is stopping the blossoms from blooming!


    Twitter - @ishrattrishna
