Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Burgundy in Black and White

Hurry. Anyone want to book me to do a photoshoot of you? Quick. Catch me before I become too famous with this HOTEL SERIES.  Can you say Cheese?  Like real Cheese. Not like cheese smile for the camera. More like Cheese in this is cheesey.  Some cheesey photos for you today. The indoor colors aren't working for me so you get black and white. Imagine the tights are burgundy. Well, they really are. You just have to imagine the color of dark red wine.  Not like my mom's homemade red wine that looks and tastes like Kool-Aid. No, the real and expensive kind. Yeah. That color.

So theres this photography book I have wanted for awhile and today I went to Chapters to buy it.  I pulled out the gift card I was given for xmas that I havent used yet and it said "Declined" so I had to pay for the book with my own cash. Came back. Phoned  the company the gift card was purchased from and they said the person who gave it to me must have not gotten it loaded. Now isnt that a kick in the butt or what? Not funny guys.  Next time you give me a gift card, don't steal an empty one and give it to me as gift as a joke. 

So.  I bought myself a gift today. A new photography book.  Weird.


  1. I love this hotel series, lol...the B&W pics are great....that totally SUXXX about the GC, maybe the person didnt even know, or maybe they are a habitual "NO LOADER" giftcard giver?? either way....Im happy you got your new book...which one have you been wanting? Fun:)

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Statements in Fashion Blog♥

  2. These photos are actually more artistic in black and white. I love the tones of gray.

    And you look so interesting: a unique mix of female and male, feminine and masculine. People who straddle the gender-border intrigue me, for obvious reason. (I live there.)

    The pictures are really well-done. I'd assume someone took them for you because of that but will guess (from earlier things you've said) that you used a tripod and self-timer. If only I could get someone as talented to take my pictures... *sigh*

  3. You look like a 70s fashion model today. My entire experience with 70s fashion model-ness is black and white photography and boots (and maybe a psychedelicy looking skirt) so I'm not really the best person to put a label on this, but you look super fab :)

  4. thanks Shybiker.. I wish I had a photographer!! I set the timer and hope I get it right since its on 10 sec delay!!!

  5. HAHAHAHA! I didn't give you a gift card did I? LOL! Oh my word! I'd love to see this outfit in colour, but I do love the cheesy chair photo! That's a hot one!

  6. That is so strange. At least you got your book. The hotel series just got classy in black, and white.
    My Heart Blogged

  7. Jodi, I recently purchased a small little remote control for my camera, it makes hoping around obsolete. Just an idea to consider. I think it was about 15 bucks.

    I'm really liking the flat-ironed hair. It brings out the nice angles of your face. Just sayin ;)

  8. Wow look at you all model like!!
    I'd say whoever got you that gift card is getting coal next year in their stocking!!

    Natasha ~ Required2BeInspired

  9. LOL all the comments about the gift card.. too funny. And I do know who gave it to me... so far its not anyone who has commented on here.. hah hah

  10. I like these pictures, and you can always give the unloaded gift card back to the giver next Christmas.

  11. ohhh I love that idea.. pay if forward... love it!! hah hah... he Becs.. want a gift card for xmas?? hah hah

  12. Hello sexy mamma! LOVE these photos. What a funny story about the empty gift card. That would be such a bummer.

  13. I love the B & W photos....I hope you saw my post yesterday..you were the inspiration for my outfit and I gave you a shout out!

  14. i cant believe someone gave you a phony gift card, way lame. In other news I am digging that last shot of you :)

  15. Great shots, lady. I will have to keep Pete away from here, he will love that chair shot. Not that that is a problem (it's great) but he is always trying to use one that has no back in it which is not very dignified.

    Glad you got your book - how could anyone give you an empty gift card? How tight is that? I am positively outraged for you.

  16. Oh yes, your chair shot is awesome. And I love the black and white.
    That stinks the gift card wasn't loaded. Guess you are taking that person off your Christmas card list.

    Chic on the Cheap

  17. Awesome pictures...my favorite is the last shot!! The gift card issue happen to me after my wedding. The person never gave us a new one, so it's been a little awkward since..lol

    ps. I imagine the burgundy tights look wonderful!!:)

  18. Love the black and white photos
    Especially with the skirt and boots
    Very mod looking

  19. i love this shot, it's like taken from the 70's...its beautiful! how did you find your photography book?

  20. The empty gift card is sometimes a trick the clerk plays on the patron...as they can pocket the difference when it is paid for another way.

  21. Love these picures! Dramatic.
    And, the skirt is to die for.

  22. WOW... those are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!

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