Thursday, March 31, 2011

At the Tennis Court

Windy day. Its crazy out there. And its crazy in the office. March 31 rush to get all the payables out the door.  I also struggle with the lighting at this time of the day for my photos.. is either sunny or shady and I am playing with how to get the light right.  I got this top for $6.00 on sale, marked down about 4 times. I dont usually wear long v-necks so hence the scarf to fill the space. Otherwise it makes me look like I have a neck that is 7 feet long. REALLY. I dont mean 6ft, I mean SEVEN FEET LONG.  And this skirt is interesting. It has all these sew lines that go diagonally around the skirt. Someone asked me if I I had my skirt on crooked. Yes. I . Always. Wear. My. Skirt. Crooked. Ilikeitthatway.  sheeesh.

Brown net on my legs. Tennis net on the court. I also saw an empty box of Kraft Dinner on the court. Strange.  Both the noodles and Cheese pack were gone.  At least they ate it all.

Over n Out. J


  1. Now this is a pretty different photo location....I cant wait ti the weather breaks so I can go out and about with my new remote, hehehehe. LOVE the scarf taking up space sweets.....and I love how you tie yours too:)

  2. great detail on that sweater. I want one!

  3. Favorite shot is peering through the net
    I just love this color blue on you
    Funny about the Kraft dinner

  4. Wow, the blue and green colors in the first picture are amazing. It looks professionally-done.

    Your top and scarf have great colors. Blue is my favorite.

    The photo of you looking through the net brings back memories. The best picture I ever took in my entire life was of my first-girlfriend Maura when we were courting in New Jersey during our youth. She was incredibly beautiful but, at the same time, as wild as a tiger. Really, really wild. I photographed her looking through a chain-link fence and got an effect similar to your picture. It captured her wild nature perfectly. Then again, you're pretty wild yourself, Ms. Super-Athlete!

  5. Interesting photo spot..I like! I love when people ask strange questions about clothing. Like is that suppose to look that way...ummm yeah..lol

    Beautiful blouse and I love the color combo! ;)

  6. I love the blouse on you. Navy is really color. Oh, and I'm not too picky about photos as long as I get to see your beautiful face.
    My Heart Blogged

  7. OH MY GOD! That second photo is stunning with the sun hitting your outfit in just the right way. Totally shows it off! LOVE LOVE LOVE It!!

  8. You always look great in blue. I like the scarf!

  9. you look amazing. Love this shade of blue on you! and Great location too!!

  10. Loving your top, you bargain stalking lady. It's a fantastic colour on you.

  11. Hahah, people are funny. I do like the clearance top, the embellishment at the neckline is so pretty.

    Chic on the Cheap

  12. I love those little ruffles on your sweater!! Adorable!!

    Monique xx

  13. I really admire your ability to shoot in public places. I'm not brave enough for that yet, but perhaps one of these days I'll put on my big girl pants.

    I love that skirt, it's a nice twist on a more mainstream look. And like the others before me, that blue looks smashing on you.
