Sunday, February 20, 2011

Remix 20: Angora Sweater, the TRINA

Do you know that today is 51 days into 2011??  How do I know that? Well, I am doing a photography project where you take a photo a day for the whole year and today is day 51.  So I ask you, now knowing you have lived 51 days of 2011, are you satisfied with how your NEW year is going?  If not, what can you do to navigate it to go the way you want?  What are you creating for yourself this year?  You still have 314 days left!!

For me, I am back into the swing of my heavy training for the upcoming triathlon season. While I am eating really clean, healthy foods (little to no refined, processed foods), I still eat chocolate and licorice allsorts and other various sweet candies.  Every morning I get up I tell myself I am not eating refined sugar anymore, then I eat it, then I feel bad and I wake up the next morning and do the same thing all over again. It's nuts!!  So Today is different.  Today I have 315 days (including today) left to recommit to what I say I want and stick with it. Thats pretty cool! Rather than looking at it like I am NOT eat refined sugar, I am choosing to eat only healthy natural sugars (ie fruit). That is a much more empowering way to look at it.  

Remix items: skinny jeans, angora sweater, black boots
** I bought this angora sweater when my good friend Trina was in town (she is so smart she has like, 3 brains!!) and I just LOVE her so I called it the TRINA sweater :)

Is there anything YOU want to recommit to today given you still have 315 days left of 2011...

MWAH and happy Sunday!! xoxo J


  1. I love licorice, lol....I was hunting through my house last night actually looking for some, hahaha...what a pretty cardi this is....totally diggin the sleeves...and with this post,you have reminded me that Im now FIVE days behind in my outfit pics....grrr, lol.

    You look great as always:)

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  2. That sweater looks super warm. I love angora.

  3. That's a healthy perspective. Most of us still think the year has only begun so we aren't checking on our progress. Your reminder about the 51 days is helpful.

    My goal for this year was to improve my blogging and I think that's on-track.

  4. I am not happy so far with my year. But, I doing what I can to change it around. I am going back to school either in the fall or summer. So by the end of this year I will have an associates degree. I really wish I could pick your brain about fitness sometime. I want to run a marathon but I have the type of job where I am on my feet all day, and I literally can not afford to get hurt. Running a marathon for a certain charity is my dream, and I'm not sure how to do it. Sorry for the huge comment. Maybe I should have emailed you lol.
    My Heart Blogged

  5. I want to recommit to eating less fast food. I love it (even though i know it's gross and bad for you). I tend to crave it even more when I get stressed out. So, lately I have been doing fast food runs 3-4 times a week! Totally forgot about that new year's thing.
    Maybe this week I'll be better...

    You look great as always! :)

  6. My goal for this year is to survive the country life. Next year I'll figure out how to do it with finesse. ;)
    I admire your commitment to no refined sugars.

  7. I like the color combination here...and am hopeful that your training might inspire me to get off my butt!

  8. I love that first photo...the colours are fantastic!

  9. Since I am finally losing some weight, I am very pleased with day 51...hungry, but pleased!
    I also love this color combo and the sleeves on the jacket are just fun!!

  10. JODI!!!I have missed you too!!!! You are such a hottie missy! Your outfits are always killer! I would expect nothing less!!!
    I am trying to keep up with blogging better, I promise I will be better!!!!


  11. It's been that long, 51 days into 2011? Its so doesn't feel like it. I got so many things planned for this year!

    Hmmn.. how many days before I see you?



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  12. I love that cardigan. How cool that you've named it after your mate.

    Day 51 is exciting - January dragged and February is flying. The main thing I take from that is that the sunlight is coming soon. Only a few more days until the days are longer than the nights which will be amazing. And will make me a very happy bunny.

  13. Yup, I'd like my kick-*ss health back, please. I feel like I've been battling celiac reactions the past few weeks and it's bumming me out. Apart from that, I'm feeling creative and positive! That, a good outfit, some chocolate and love in my heart and the world is my oyster!

  14. Ok...so it sure is wierd to have a sweater named after me. However, the sweater looks even better in photos. I hope you get to wear it in the snow. It's COLD out there now.
