Friday, January 28, 2011

Fashion Beauty Friend Friday: Blogger Mechanics

Happy Friday to you!! Grab a tea or coffee and come and join me. If you are interested in joining us on Friend Friday, please go visit Katy at ModlyChic... she is awesome and will get you all set up. Okay, ready for this weeks answers?

Blogger Mechanics

1. What technology do you use in blogging? (computer, camera, video camera, tripod, etc...)
I have a Sony digital camera and a tripod. Then I download all my images on my MacBook Pro and backup all photos on an external harddrive.
 2. What computer and online technology do you use? (blogging system, photo storage, photo editing tools, etc..)
Blogging opened up the world of technology to me. I got a blogger account for my blog and I use picassa web album to link my photos. Basically, I download my photos, save them at the recommended size (800 x 532 pixels) for blogger. I have my day2daywear folder on my desktop and file photos by year in a subfolder for each month and day.

3. What is your process for taking pictures?
I take my camera and tripod to work with me then I go for a walk at lunchtime and snap my photos (in the park). On days that I take the car, I plan my wardrobe based on a backdrop I have in mind and I stop by the location and take photos on the way to or from meetings. I set up the camera, focus, set the self timer to 10 seconds and then run like an idiot and stand in front of the camera. Sometimes this takes alot of time, sometimes I luck out and it is quick!! And of course I am a magnet for strange people following and pointing at me!!

4. When it comes to backdrops for your photos what do you consider? Do you scout locations or shoot the same spot daily?
OMG!! THIS IS MY FAVORITE QUESTION!!! I love finding new backdrops and I have a long list of good locations based on a colored wall, or just somewhere funky (train tracks like Joanne :), etc. I even have other people in mind when I find locations and then I ask them if I can take them and do a photoshoot OF them there. Thats what Cinderita and I did with the new header we made for her blog!!! I love backdrops, that and learning photography has been sooooo fun!!!

 5. If you could splurge and get one new piece of equipment what would you be buying?
What I would do is spend money on a photography and/or photoshop course so I could make my photos look better and be more creative with them. Fancy equipment isnt much good if you don't know how to use it!! LOL

MY number one recommendation for any blogger using a camera: buy a tripod. It makes life WAY easier!!! xoxo Jodi


  1. A tripod is definitely in my to-buy list! I would love to attend a photography course.. but they are so expensive unfortunately! x

  2. Great answers, Jodi. They tell us interesting things about you.

    I learned a valuable tip from another blogger about taking pictures of myself when alone and that is to buy a "remote release shutter." It's a tiny button you hold in your hand that wirelessly tells the camera to take a picture in two-seconds. It only cost $15 and sure beats running back-and-forth.

  3. LOL.. Gertrude.. tripods rock.. its the best thing!! and yes, Ralph.. I need a remote.. on my list... so many things to get!! xoxo j

  4. Great answers Jodi, I love Friend Friday! A friend who is an actual photographer gave me my tripod. I am in love with it.
    Great investment!

  5. You do find some great locations. I need to work on that myself.

  6. LOL! I love your answers to #3. I TOTALLY understand and do the same thing and I especially like your comment, "And of course I am a magnet for strange people following and pointing at me!!" I get that ALL THE TIME!! hahahahaha

  7. This is such a great post! I wish more bloggers would do stuff like this, I love hearing where/ and how everyone takes their photo's.
    My favorite thing about your photo skills, is location! - you find some of the BEST places!

    Ps. I llllllove your outfit below! And I love the picture with the rope, if would look so good framed!

  8. Its been so fun visiting everyone's blogs to read their answers.. I am learning so much and have gotten tons of ideas already!!! woo hooo to Katy!! xoox J

  9. Hi Jodi, welcome! Your composition is great, something for me to aspire to. No, I wasn't affected by the floods although the water did come up my street. I was away and missed the whole thing, I had to stay away a few extra days, as our main highway up the east coast was cut for a while.

  10. You said it
    Tripods are way better than bipods!!!
    Always love your backdrops

  11. Hi Jodi...I totally love all of your photoshoot locations....you truly do scout out the very best:)

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Enter my e.l.f Cosmetics Giveaway!!♥

  12. hi, you look great and so do your locations! i love all your outfits! don't you ever have a bad day where you just couldn't get it right? i was browsing through your blog.. couldn't find one :)


    p.s. newest follower here :)

  13. Thanks for your great comment yesterday, Jodi. And "Ralphy-poo"?? I love it!!

  14. Jodi - I'm totally jealous that you have no fear of the stares and pointing fingers. They have stopped me in my tracks more than once. How sad!! - Katy

  15. Hi Jodi! Thanks for visiting my blog. I love that you take your tripod to work and plan your backdrop..... I think I might try that.... although my hubby really likes to take my pics. hmmm. new ideas brewing! :) Nice to meet you!

    Girls Day Out gdo-family.blogspot.com

  16. Your header! its lovely! hehehe, very nice Jodi :)

  17. Hi Jodi, glad you're home safely ... just last weekend I bought a remote shutter release (then dropped my camera twice and now it's not working) that cost a mere R69.00, divide by around 7 and it works out to rougly $10 and it works like a charm. http://www.phottix.com/en/wireless-remotes/phottixr-6-in1-ir-remote.html. They have some that are way more advanced, but for a quick cheap fix, this works like a charm.
    BTW - love the outfit and have been looking for the perfect brown belt for a over a year now :-(

  18. Hi Jodi, I was really excited to find out you're a Canadian blogger too! I've only found a few so far but I've only started blogging this month.

    You're so lucky you have awesome backdrops in Vancouver! Calgary has nothing to show for! lol.. Ok maybe it does a little, but I have a toddler in tow all the time and location shots are just out of the question right now :)


  19. Yay, love the insight into how you blog. Your photos are great and I love your backdrops. Looking forward to where you take things next.

  20. I am really impressed with the content of your blog. It is easy to see that you are passionate about your writing. If I had your writing ability, I know I would be successful. I have bookmarked your site and look forward to more updates.
