Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Daily Outfit: Road Trip Take 2

I MISSED YOU!! Holy smokes!  No internet for almost a week. Are you kidding me? I will never do that again!! LOL! Ladies (and guys :)  I missed you!  While I had a great holiday, I was also going through internet withdrawls!!  So a recap:  The first picture is me and my mom goofing around on the beach in below zero WINDY weather as though we are on Canada's Next Top Model... We were just gutting ourselves laughing and I promised my mom I wouldn't "paste all those pictures all over the internet" (her words)- except for 1 :).  Our hands were so cold they were purple by the time we got back in the car but we had fun...!  Lots of relaxing, visiting family, running every day (on the slippery snowy roads), cross country skiing, wine drinking, bonfires, watching reality (un-reality) TV and movies, playing games and of course, snacking way too much.

TIP: NEVER WEIGH YOURSELF IMMEDIATELY AFTER A HOLIDAY!! That was just a plain stoopid thing for me to do. Anyway...

Just some photos of stops along the drive home.  We drove through lots of snow, grassy fields, high mountain passes and even stopped at a Heritage site for lunch.  What do you think of the big SASKQUATCH?  Usually some idiot puts an empty beer can in his hand and you see it when you drive by... its huge.   I got lots of gift certificates for clothing stores too so have to think about what goodies I want to add to the ol wardrobe.  I feel relaxed. Thats really all I care about. Man I was stressed before I left.  And lucky me. I don't go back to work til Jan 4. This means lots of time to catch up with all of you!! Woo hooo can't wait to visit everyone and hear how your holidays have been!!  Love ya xoxo J

PS. while I always pack many outfits when I go back home I almost always live in the same 2 or 3 outfits... sigh...


  1. that first photo with you and your mom is too cute, very wilderness diva

  2. I'm so jealous that you got to go to the land of the sasquatch!!

  3. Love your photos, you and bigfoot look fab together!
    glad you had a nice vacation, welcome back to the interweb.

  4. You do not look like you are "roughing it"...you look great!! I love the color of the sweater and the scenery is gorgeous!
    I hope you will come over to my site and enter the contest I am having to five away a fun necklace!!

  5. LOVE the pic of you and your Mom too cute! So glad you got to RELAX. It is so fun to just chill with the FAM.
    Great to have you back. :)

  6. Aw you and your mom are so cute together :D Haha love the BC scenery (and sasquatch!!!), makes me want to head up north and east a bit now :) Looks like you are having/had a great time up there! Travel safe Jodi!

  7. Lovely photos! You look gorgeous!


  8. Wayhay, you're back. Missed popping in to visit you but it sounds like you had a great break. Glad you are fully de-stressed. Looking forward to seeing what shopping goodies you get. :-)

  9. Isn't your stylin mom gorgeous... much like yourself!

  10. I love all of your pictures
    You have such an eye for great back drops
    Glad you had a fun time, you needed a relaxing break.

  11. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I seriously missed all your comments soooo much!! You can never go away for that long again! HAHA
    I hope that you enjoyed yourself and had a great time though!!
    And there is not way in HELL I would weight myself this week. I have been having a staredown contest with my scale! DANGIT!!


  12. Missed you! No wonder you're so tall! You pick great backdrops. Actually, YOU make the backdrops great. Whoddathunk a row of p.o. boxes could look so lovely?

  13. Love your road trip photos. I hope you had a great time and I am happy you are back!
    Happy New Year,


  14. I love that picture of you and your mom, it's so cute!! I always do the same thing when I go home over pack and wear the same thing more then once. I'm happy you had a happy and stress free holiday!
