Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Statements in Fashion: Day2daywear Interview

My girl crush has paid off!! :P  Colette from Statements in Fashion interviewed me! How COOL is that!!  Now I feel like I'm in the cool club.  I think it's a  first.  Except she's says I'm all funny and then you read my interview and I am all like "gotta get this right", "must sound composed", and while writing it I'm thinking I have to write this in a way so they don't know I am just like trembling with performance anxiety.. something like how I feel the hour leading up to a big Ironman Race... ohhhh my tummy...

Check out the interview!! Go. There. Now.  I love ya Col baby, thanks so much!!! MWAH... will be back later with my outfit for the day xoxo  J

In case you forgot already, see Statements in Fashion day2daywear interview by clicking on the link (yes, I know YOU know that!! :)

And by they way, I did send her a cheque for saying all those nice things about me... bwah ha ha


  1. You are cracking me up silly girlie!!! Nervous? not at all......!!!

    Girl crush?? right back atchya!!!
    It was MY pleasure.....:)

    Stop by and say Hello♥

    Enter my Spotted Moth Giveaway♥

  2. Thanks for the mention in your interview! I always appreciate your kind comments on my blog.

    Happy blogging!

  3. I just got done reading it and I love it!! YAY for Twitter Tuesdays! I swear you keep my rolling on the ground most the time!! I look forward to your blog and your comments on my blog too everyday!
    Thank you for the compliment and I will try to showcase my work more I promise!!


  4. Congrats on the interview. Collette has a great blog. Can't wait to read the interview and check out your cute blog. Glad you found me fellow 30 for 30 challenger.


  5. Look at you..all famous and stuff. hee hee..Love it! Just remember..you knew me "when"...:-)

  6. Read the interview already. Congratulations. I thought you did well, didn't seem nervous to me. Assuming that matters? http://idontwearjeans.blogspot.com/

  7. congratulations!

    Your photos are always so well-composed and full of color. I love it.

  8. Wow! I am going to read now! Congrats :)

  9. See, you're getting the recognition you deserve. It's a great interview.

  10. I saw you on there!! You looked great. Collette rocks. I love her style and she's so sweet! And of course, you rock!
