Saturday, November 13, 2010

Remix 6: Leather and Rain

Day 6.  My day: 30 minute coaching call followed by 100km bike ride in the rain and fog followed by thawing out my frozen toes in a hot bath then photoshoot and now blog and then dinner and bed.  Can you say tired?  My training season began November 1 so this means long rides and runs on the weekends, swims 4-5 days per week during the weekday mornings with runs or rides in the evening. Oh yeah, weight training for core stability and Bikrams Yoga thrown into the mix.  On to my outfit:

Remix Items: Black skinny pants, black turtle neck, black boots.
The jacket is the one I got for $5 and wanted to get dyed but remember the guy told me to fawgetaboutit so I kept it this color even though its not my color.  I like it with the leopard scarf, but I like anything with leopard.  hmmm maybe thats the trick to liking liver... some saute'd liver with some leopard outfit.. hah hah.  You may notice it was raining in the photos.. you can see the splatters of rain here and there.  I am really loving this 30 items idea because it is making me think of variations and I have a few other combos I cant wait to try out.  BUT I still feel like my wardrobe is abit low key and dull.  I guess I have 24 days to go so can experiment with taking it up a notch or 2.  I am inspired by Emma's great color combos and need to borrow some of her ideas!!

Happy Saturday ladies.  Will do my best to come by and visit tonight or tomorrow night.. promise.. I miss you when  I don't get by to say hi.  Toodle doo for now.. oxo J


  1. HI babes...I remember the jacket....still love it!! You look great in these fall leaves...!!I love the leopard scarf...great added touch!!

    Fab dahhllinng.....:)

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  2. Thanks for the shout out. I love your jacket - it looks great on you. And thanks for the leopard reminder. Must get some leopard print into my 30 for 30.

  3. 100 km bike ride? No wonder you are tired! The only triathalons I have ever done were of the sprint variety... which is good because I could never commit the time to train enough for a longer one! BUT, I am so impressed with the people like you who do. So way to go!
    And I really like this jacket on you, I think with maybe a brighter scarf and shirt the colour wouldn't seem so dull to you.

  4. i need a nap after just reading about your day, whew

  5. Oh my gosh you are seriously a busy woman!! I hope I eventually get some inspiration from all of your training so that I start working out!
    As for your outfit, LOVE that jacket still!
    Have fab week!

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