Thursday, July 8, 2010

Daily Outfit July 8, 2010

Another smokin hot day, I am not complaining as the weather here has been largely overcast and little to no sun.
I did a bike ride/run transition workout this morning before work and it was even hot at that time of the day.  I cropped this photo so you wouldn't see the nice chunk missing from my knee from when I wiped out running.. yes, the hazards of exercise and the impacts on outfit planning can be tricky at times!  I also got my hair cut after this was taken so not so shaggy anymore.  Am off for the weekend, heading to a race so maybe will even share some nice photos of spandex stretchy shorts (as my mom still calls them!!!).  I really like the combination of coral and turquoise together and am even looking for a bigger, chunkier necklace turquoise necklace that would look good with black as well.

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