Thursday, July 22, 2010

Daily Outfit: Kendi copycat

I got this outfit idea from Kendi Everyday.  Did I mention I love her clothes?  Someone commented today that my legs are looking skinnier. Well, just a coincidence that I happened to weigh myself this morning, something I rarely do, and I have lost over 10pds.  I haven't been trying, I have, rather, been eating really healthy to support all  this training I'm doing.  I must admit, I came home and celebrated with a big piece of dark chocolate.   I like this outfit in theory, but the pain was the slice of stomach that poked out all day. I felt abit like a hoochey momma.

Last night I also emailed a bunch of people to let them know about this blog project, and that I would love to profile them in my weekly Lovely Ladies section and only 1 replied.  Here I went and put myself out there and risked sharing about this blog and nobody is interested.  Oh well, I guess in the very least I will have a nice online catalog of all my outfits.  And 3 followers- or, hey, look at THAT.. 4 followers :)  Yes, I am still a closet blogger.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love this look!! And what did you do that's different with your hair? I like it! It's tucked behind your ears yes? Love it!
