Monday, January 4, 2016

Back to Work--The New Year

Happy New Year everyone!  Its amazing that it's already the new year. 2015 seemed to fly by so fast.
I hope everyone had a super holiday season.

Quick recap of what we've been up to...We did another 50km trail race in December that was fun (and challenging)- was very very windy and rainy so made it a long cold grueling yet fun day out there:)

As soon as I crossed the finish line one of my friends handed me a small bottle of fireball and said " HERE, TAKE A SWIG". Num Num it did the job!

The holiday season was fun. We went to the Interior of BC where there was lots of snow and did tons of cross country skiing and long snowy walks.  Lots of relaxing, reading, movies and eating as well!!

Now we're busy training for the next trail race coming up in February.  As you can tell I'm LOVING trail running and exploring new mountain ranges, new places around BC and down in the US. Must admit, I'm buying more nice running gear these days than worried about my day to day fashion and making due with all the clothes I already have.


  1. Happy New Year, Jodi! These pictures are so pretty. I want to return to BC for long walks in the woods.

    1. You are welcome to visit anytime. I just bought a new sheepskin rug for the room thats awaiting you :)

  2. I'm always wanted to do a trail race. Haven't found any around me yet, but it's definitely on my bucket list. Sounds like so much fun. - Katy

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