Monday, May 4, 2015

Running Wild

I've been doing ALOT of trail running these days. Its fantastic. I've even had the pleasure of going on 3 + hour runs all alone. Seeing not one person in the forest/mountains. It's such a treat to be out there all alone, so peaceful and mindful. Quiet. Still.  I've been exploring alot of new places and now that its light out longer I can even get out after work. Luckily I live close to alot of great trails and places to explore that are relatively close.

Not much else to report other than I've signed up for a bunch of 50 km and 50 mile races this season so will be doing a fair amount of travel to new places exploring some awesome new routes.  Fashion photos will be coming soon :)  Hope you are all well.


  1. I used to love our trail hikes on the Island. I envy you.


  2. What fun! And the pictures are great. I love being in nature; it's so calming. We all need to escape the hustle-and-bustle of modern life. Glad you have the chance to do that.

  3. My husband loves doing this and he would love your scenery so much...gorgeous. Thanks for sharing it with us, Jodi!

  4. I am SO in awe of you. I used to fancy myself a runner...years ago. To be able to do it now, and on trails no less, at the age of 67+ would be a miracle and a gift! Carry on girlfriend! NEVER stop running and exploring. :-)
