Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Leather Lady

I had to drive to work today since I needed the car for meetings which meant I could wear my skirt and boots that arent practical to ride my bike in. I don't know about you but I usually dress based on how I'm commuting. Usually I ride my bike to work and its not far so I can wear skirts and heels etc however, if I want to wear my hair differently or more fancy or a pencil skirt or higher heels it only really works on the days I need to use the car.  Bike riding in a pencil skirt doesnt work all that well (YES I DID TRY IT:)

Its rainy then sunny so we dont actually know if spring is coming or it still just a bit of tease from an early peek of spring. Hence I wont pack away my favorite dark colors for awhile yet!!

Hope you had a super day.  What is you main mode of travel to work and do you have to plan your wardrobe based on travel considerations?


  1. What a lovely outfit. Very pretty. You pull off leather like no one else.

    I'd like to try riding a bicycle in a pencil-skirt. I've done motorcycle-riding in a tutu and that was easy.

    In answer to your question, I ride my motorcycle every chance I get. It took a while before I learned how to manage it in formal dress. I wear heavy boots underneath my suit-pants, stow my suit-jacket in luggage and wear a leather riding-jacket. Once, while changing into my suit in the parking lot of a courthouse, a man watching me came over and exclaimed, "You're just like Superman!" I was flattered.

    1. you ARE like superman :) for many reasons.. I love this, it sounds like a fun transformation :)

  2. Love this skirt! I commute by bus and have to walk a lot but I enjoy the exercise. Based on that I must wear comfortable shoes which really knocks down an otherwise good outfit. But, oh well. I walk a lot on the job so don't ever wear heels. I love your boots here and would grab them up for sure!

    1. Thanks Joni... I know what you mean about walking alot, I'm usually running from meeting to meeting so if not on my bike I'm walking downtown etc.

  3. My commute is simply walking from my bedroom to my office. LOL

    Love that a-line skirt!

