Monday, January 7, 2013

Black outfit Pink nails

Plain black 50's style skirt with fitted black blouse. PINK NAILS!! I can't believe it-- I have had this manicure for 1 week now and its not scratched up yet. That is amazing since manicures, whether they be home jobs or professionally done, usually only last me about 1-2 hours before I mess them up somehow.  This one has some kind of super duper baked on stuff or something. My fear is that I may end up with them for life though :)

My full outfit photos didn't turn out so you have to use your imagination here. You get the picture, right :)

Can you tell I like crows? See the 2 crows in the background?

Hope you are having an awesome day!! xox J


  1. The ring and the nails are the perfect POP for the dress...so much fun!

  2. Jodi? Jodi? Is that you? It looks like you but someone else's hands are attached to your arms. :-)

  3. I love the pink with all black.

  4. You are looking so perfect in black dress and I mostly like your ring......

  5. Love the splash of colour with the nails! We have crows nesting in a gumtree in our backyard at the moment - not the most loved bird at 4am!!! Off to have a peek around your blog...J
