Tuesday, September 4, 2012

And the next challenge

Hello fashionistas! September is one of my favorite months- still sunny and warm and colors begin to turn.  Boot season is just around the corner!  My triathlon race season is officially over. I had a really tough final race, however when you are out there battling the elements and you always have a Plan B in your backpocket- while you can train for months and be physically and mentally ready, you never know what you will be faced with on race day.  I have now been competing for 7 years- only seriously racing for about 3.  This year I placed 4th in a half ironman distance and 3rd in an Olympic distance race.  My hope for this recent long distance race was to qualify for the world championships in Hawaii but due to having to resort to PLAN B during the race I was really thrilled to even finish.  Lots to learn and always grateful to be safe out there on the swim, bike and run- and of course, celebrate all our accomplishments with my teammates.

We head to Hawaii in October for fiance to compete in Ironman in Kona so I'll be training with him to keep him company for the next 6 weeks along with yoga, weights and running a few half marathons. (Got to get bikini ready right??)

As for the outfit.. this is one of my favorite skirts and just by accident paired it with this top and kinda like the color combo.  As always- a wide belt helps to narrow the waist!

Hope all is well with each of you!!!  Happy Tuesday. xox J


  1. Knowing you -- an accomplished athlete -- makes me feel special. Your presence in my life enhances it. Hearing stories of your athletic successes gives me vicarious thrill. Thanks for sharing, buddy.

    And pretty outfit! Perfect match of top and skirt. You conquer many fields.

  2. congrats on some spectacular race finishes
    have an awesome time in hawaii

  3. Congratulations Jodi and I know you will persevere to get to where you want to be...you are an inspiring competitor! I love the pockets on this skirt! It is so cute...have a wonderful time in Hawaii!
