Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wedding Attire

Hello!! It's been awhile. I was away for a 10 day training camp: rode over 500 km, ran more than 11 hours total, swam about 5km and had good rest and ate really healthy. Finished off the camp with a triathlon and placing in the top 3!! Not bad. I am feeling really strong and ready for my big race at the end of August!

Then, rushed home to get to a wedding of a dear friend (and husband in first photo) who had a beautiful garden wedding in a fantastic Gary Oak forest surrounded by a big beautiful grassy field.  She had such an awesome dress on- it was light yellow silk and she had it custom made, she was wearing her grandmothers pearls and all around she looked amazing!! Of course all us girls were crying during the ceremony.

I didn't get the greatest photos- this was very challenging to capture because there was such a mix of shade and sun- all my photos turned out really dark.  Oh, and guess what? I got my silk dress for $7.00 at my favorite thrift store! Can't believe it - BUT in typical Jodi fashion I slopped chip dip on it within the first hour of getting there... oh boy.. can dress me up but not take me too far!!! LOL

Anyway, all is well, life is awesome, work is busy and training is exceptional!!  Hope you are all doing awesome too!! xoxo J


  1. From what I can see your dress looks fantastic! And I would LOVE to see the brides full dress..it looks amazing, and what a great (unusual) colour for a wedding dress. I love it!

  2. You look great in this color, Jodi! A garden wedding sounds like so much fun!

  3. You clean up nice! And I'm tired just reading about your training.

  4. Long time no see!!! You look absolutely amazing Jodi, you are glowing! Happy to hear you are doing so well sport-wise :)

  5. you are looking lovely and sophisticated
    sounds like your training is going amazingly well
    getting very close now....
