Thursday, May 24, 2012

Morning at the Beach

I have been sick for the last few days (as you can probably tell  by how rough I look and no makeup -yes, Jodi Unplugged!!) and am hardly even able to speak my throat is so sore. This morning I had to get out for some fresh air so took my cup of homemade ginger tea and my journal and camera down to the local beach.  I have the pleasure of living 1 block from the ocean and while the close beaches aren't all white and sandy, they are pretty nice for reflecting on life and listening to the sound of the waves.  Lots of Oyster Catchers out this morning as well.  I love their red beaks.

Hope you all have a super day!!


  1. I'm sorry you are feeling bad, Jodi...what a great place to refresh and unwind..it is so cool that you live that close! Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Jodi! So happy to see you. Sorry you're under the weather and I hope you feel better soon.

  3. Oh, I love the beach. How nice that you live close to one. Hope you feel better.

  4. It's a glorious setting! A great place to meditate. You are looking better than you say you feel.

  5. there you are. great photos! sorry you're not well. hope you are feeling better. on my way home this weekend. let's catch up soon. xo

  6. like i wasn't jealous enough just looking at the pics and then you say you live 1 block from the beach!
    green eyed monster over here for sure
    hope you feel better soon
