Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spotted Skirt

And the Jodi girl resurfaces!! YEAH!!  To catch up a little:
1.  Work is nuts and I am the boss so of course, all the responsibility ends up on my desk (going in early, staying late).  We are doing a total overhaul of our organization which is both fun and kindof unnerving at the same time.  Lots of learning, to say the least!
2.  Training is full ON. Training for Ironman is no small feat. It requires many hours of training and I am putting in a minimum of 18- 20 hours per week of training (not including Yoga and core/weights).  In fact, this weekend alone I rode 340km on my bike in 2 days!! What fun. Actually it WAS and I got some sun too (see the hint of a tan on my face? :)
3. Stylish outfits have been secondary.  I have been grabbing on the run (this is a fashionista's PROBLEM!!!)  Unless I think out an outfit the night before, I usually grab my clothes at 5am when I get up and then hit the pool for my 6am (4 day per week) 1.5 hour swims.  I also usually have MAJOR goggle marks under my eyes not not very photo worthy!!

Life is GREAT though. I am getting very lean, toned and fast. Good because I have some big race goals this season. I love training. The race is like the icing.  I train for the training itself and the race is just a way to gage my speed and strength.  Love it. Anyway, thats it for today. I need new clothes. Thats the next thing on the list.

Miss you all.  xoxo Jodi


  1. You are so crazy lady! (And inspiring!) Here I think I'm good with 4-5 50min workouts a week...haha
    Looking good!

    Natasha ~ TashaDelrae.com

  2. So when is this big competition?
