Monday, February 6, 2012

Memories of Bad Outfits

Good morning everyone. As I sit here at the airport waiting for my flight back east I thought I would share about some thoughts I had this morning.   And excuse the bad photo but it's me unplugged and I had to leave the house at 4:45am to catch the airport bus so don't you dare say anything :P

As I was  on my first flight and quite groggy, I don't know why but I had one of those experiences you hear about when people say they almost died and their whole life flashed before their eyes.... Well for some reason, as my flight lifted off the ground my whole fashion (or lack of fashion) history flashed before my eyes.

The orange straight cut vest that looked like a personal floatation device.  The tie dye pants that I wore to a loggers protest (even though I wasn't protesting).  The beige dress pants I made that were wide legged and about 2 inches too short (above my ankles and I wore them with heels anyway).  The black quilted jacket I just had to have even though it was completely shapeless and made me look like a 60yr old wearing some cheap Sears jacket.  The backwards ball cap and long green sports sweater I wore that one awful day at college.

Anyway. My point is,while I think I am OH SO COOL now with all my animal print scarves and knee high boots I was wondering what items I will look aback on and be embarrassed about? Like those things I REALLY should not be wearing. Just like in my past.  OR, is it that I have completely transformed my wardrobe ways?

What about you?  Any experiences like this?  OH< my flight is boarding... gotta go!! MWAH xox J


  1. I have many moments from my past which make me cringe...especially the capri pants with martini glasses all over them!! But, those decisions led to me turning things around...I may still make mistakes, but they are not as big as the past...these are among the many reasons I live one day at a time and chose to look the best I can just today! It also helped me to learn more about myself and set my own style goals. Now I ask myself if I am communicating what my goals are...if not, I don't wear it.

  2. I have many fashion don'ts too! But you always look great on here!

  3. hahahahahahahaha!! this is so awesome! I love this! I only wish I'd known you when you wore the tie-died trousers! ha! awesome!

  4. I think that we have all worn puffy orange vests at one point, at least those of us in cold climates. They were pretty cool back in the day!

  5. Yes! I too am haunted by a number of bad choices--my grandpa's old wornout overalls with a hot pink leotard? Chunky shoes and plaid pants with cuffs in the early 70s! And on, and on, and on.

  6. Love it... I can just imagine all the outfits you ladies have mentioned!! overalls.. yes... cringe.... !! LOL

  7. It really doesn't matter how we look back if we're happy while we're wearing clothes. Every moment has its unique context. Hey, I lived through the '80s!

  8. I think there might be one or two outfits that you will love forever, but for the most part, we will always tend to look back and cringe at what we wore!
    It's a sad strange thing about fashion...

    hope you have a safe flight!

    Chic on the Cheap

  9. Haha I think you're good. Anything leopard to me is pretty timeless. And knee high boots have been a necessity for years!

    Alexandra xo


  10. You are too funny. You have great style and I challenge anyone to not have a few fashion skeletons in their closet. Hard to grow without mistakes.

  11. How funny! Don't we all have at least one thing we wish had never been worn... okay, maybe more than one.

