Friday, November 4, 2011

Leopard Shoes Camel Pants

It's a 24 dollar outfit day!!  Shoes- Nine West ($6), Pants- Banana Republic ($12), Sweater- Calvin Klein ($6). Well, I am not including the cost of my bra, undies and tank top.. will spare you the details on those (but the undergarmets ARE animal print of course :)... (and they are also NOT thrifted!!!).

Cinderita took my photo again today and its so much more fun having someone else take it for me!! Hmm maybe have to make this a regular thing.. (just saying :).  I rarely wear pants and actually am liking these ones, very comfy and versatile.  I have our triathlon team launch party to go to on Saturday night so can't wait to break out a funky outfit for that. Will make sure I get some photos for your viewing pleasure!!!  Most of the ladies dress all athletic in just plain jeans and fitted t-shirts so of course I stand out as a stylish one (which I LOVE!!).

Have a super Weekend everyone!! I am off to Montreal all next week and will do my best to get some outfit shots ala hotel room!!! Over n Out for this week. xxo Jodi


  1. Wow, great deals on nice brands too! I love the shoes!!

  2. What a deal you got on this super chic and comfy outfit....love love the shoes....what a frickin bargain!!!

    Enter my Icelandic Design Knit Hat Giveaway!!

  3. Wow Jodi, you have had some incredible looks this week..but this is my favorite...so classic and stylish! You are fierce!

  4. You ladies should've seen it in person! She rocked it.

  5. Wow, I wish I could walk in heels because those are amazing!

  6. oooh, i love those heels!! what a great print. i seriously need something like that in my closet!

    cute & little

  7. love the look and those shoes are awesome
    you are looking so fierce my dear

  8. I enjoy this outfit, its so chic and talk about some serious bargains too!
