Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Girlie Girl

Ruffles away! I feel like a girlie girl today.  All these flouncey ruffles jiggling and flapping when I walk. And with the click click click of my heels too!!  And see my red nose in the last photo? YEP. Cold. Thats for sure. BRRRR.  Total cost of the skirt and top ensemble today  $6.00- yes you read it correctly.  The top is a banana republic silk blouse ($2.00) and the skirt is Calvin Klein ($4).  The skirt is one that sits on your hips but since I have lost so much weight it doesn't fit me like that anymore so I hiked it up around my waist and nothin like a wide belt to finish up the job. Makes for a shorter skirt so I was a little bit of 'hussy' today at work but hey- I am the boss. I can do  and wear WHATEVER I WANT!! LOL

Hope you had a fantastic day. Better yet, I sure hope you LOOKED fantastic (whoops, did my INSIDE voice say that <GRIN>

YES AND I KNOW I NEED A HAIRCUT (its comin- Thursday :)
xo J


  1. You always look so good in ruffles! Love the skirt :)

    Natasha ~ Required2BeInspired

  2. I love the skirt hiked up with the wide belt. You look fabulously girly!

  3. I love the skirt and the whole look for $6...wow..you are a girl after my own heart!! So great!

  4. Very cute. I'm jealous that you can be feminine or masculine, at your election. I wish I had the ability to do that.

  5. Oh you look lovely! Your printed skirt is awesome!

  6. That blouse is pretty, and I'm amazed that it was only $2.00.

  7. i think your 'new' skirt length is perfect - and i love the print as well!

    Chic on the Cheap

  8. wow, a whole outfit for $6?!! i need to learn from you. :)

    i love the ruffles!

    cute & little

  9. Awesome photos and really cool outfit, you look great, I love your skirt, what a great shape and that shirt is so nice, the perfect touch to the outfit; your jacket also rock, you are really cute! Your blog is awesome by the way and I am a new follower! Hope you will like my blog and follow back!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic

  10. Ha, I was just thinking, wow her hair is looking fab here and then you go and comment on needing a hair cut...
    loving that skirt, i like it up high waisted
    have a great day and stay warm

  11. great ruffleo skirt on you...cant wait to see your haircut....:)

    A Funky Little Fashion Blog

  12. those puppies are busting out !!mmmmm yyyummmm

    dicky doo xx
