Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fall is HERE

I went to the beach at lunchtime. Good thing too cuz I needed to decompress from a project at work. Nothing like the sound of waves to bring peace to ones life!!  For some reason I love this blouse. I got it several years ago off the sale rack at Macy's for like $5.00 or something.  Not like I have gotten compliments on it or anything, I just love wearing it. Maybe because the fabric feels good, its a bit flowing and I like the neckline. Any way, I have to find something  else to wear it with since I have lost weight and this skirt is now too big (you can't see the back with all the gathers from me hiding all the extra waist line there :)

Apologies for the dark photos.. I had my camera on the wrong setting and realized it too late.  Not much else to share today except I had a totally awesome weights workout this morning.  I am doing alot of Bikrams Yoga and weights these days and as result am starting to see the results physically and am liking it. EXCEPT it means I have to buy new clothes.. (oh geeee... tooo bad!!)

toodle doo for now!! xox  J


  1. I love you in brown.....you look so peaceful in the pic:) GOod for you for feeling better and losing the weight...yes!!! New clothes are always a good thing:) Im planning a shopping haul this weekend...Im in the market for some bright/red pants..we shall see how that all goes, lol. Have a good night sweets!!

    Statements in Fashion:A Funky Little Fashion Blog

  2. I LOVE that 1st photo of you!!! WOW!!!

  3. Beautiful photo and blouse! I also love the sound of water when it is decompress time...it is peaceful and soothing.

  4. So bikram yoga is the secret to your success? Maybe I should give it a shot! Love your blouse, too. It's got a fantastic shape and print.

  5. oh no you have to go shopping?!?! I feel so bad for you :)

  6. I need to get back into Yoga. Very lovely blouse it look really great on you and I love the print. I think it great to just love an item just because.

    The water look so peaceful I wish I was there. :)

  7. Definitely a great location for photos - and i think the blouse is quite pretty and totally compliment worthy!

    Chic on the Cheap

  8. pretty pretty pictures to go with a pretty pretty blouse and a pretty pretty you!
